Ex-entertainers in Japan seek representation for kids

Published by rudy Date posted on December 9, 2008

Former overseas performing artists (OPA) in Japan are seeking the government’s help in making representation with Tokyo so that their children who were unrecognized or abandoned by their Japanese fathers can avail of their rights and privileges in that country.

Mary Ann Magno, a former OPA, told reporters during the Philippine business and news forum at Café Coeli in Quezon City that thousands of Japanese-Filipinos (Japinos) are now abandoned or unrecognized by their fathers and have been left to the care of their Filipino mothers.

“We just want our children to avail of privileges accorded by the Japanese government,” she said.

Magno said that although she is able to support her children, they are still entitled to rights and privileges under Japanese law.

She said that the benefits of her children include the privilege to secure Japanese visa and seek opportunities in Japan.

Magno, who worked for four years in Japan and was married to a Japanese businessman, said that although her husband recognized their children, they cannot avail of their rights under the newly approved Japanese law because he also has a family in Japan.

As an offshoot she became a single mother and was left to raise her Japino children.

Magno is appealing to the government to make representation with the Japanese government so that Japinos who are more than 18 years of age could avail of the privileges due them.

Lorenzo Langonez, president of the Philippine Association of Recruitment Agencies Deploying Artist (PARADA) who was also present during the forum, said they were able to deploy some 88,000 artists, mostly women, and the number of Japinos remains uncertain.

“We have no idea on the status of these former artists, how they are coping with their Japino children,” he said.

Magno and Langonez are now spearheading the campaign to promote the rights of the thousands of Japinos in the country.

“We are seeking the help of the government for the accounting of Japinos so necessary assistance is extended to them,” Magno said.–Perseus Echeminada, Philippine Star

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