82% of Filipinos for family planning – Pulse

Published by rudy Date posted on January 20, 2009

More than 80 percent of Filipinos support family planning and almost half believe the government should limit the number of children a couple can have, according to a survey released Monday.

The findings come despite a widespread campaign by the dominant Roman Catholic Church opposing a draft law that would make family planning services more widely available in the Philippines.

The survey of 1,200 adults conducted in late October found that 82 percent believed that the government had a “duty” to provide information, services and materials on artificial contraception, said the Pulse Asia research group.

The survey also found that 44 percent believed that “the government should pass a law specifying the number of children.”

The survey, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent, did not ask them what the limit should be.

Additionally, 93 percent of those surveyed said family planning was important both for families and the country.

Sixty-three percent of Filipinos also said they were in favor of the controversial bill promoting information and use of contraceptives, despite the Church’s opposition.

The Catholic Church, which counts over 80 percent of Filipinos as followers, has said the reproductive health bill, which has been pending in Congress for months, is headed for defeat after a high-pressure campaign by bishops.

The Philippine population now stands at around 90 million, with an annual growth rate of 2.04 percent, one of the highest in Asia and above the government’s target of 1.9 percent, officials have warned.

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