Senate strikes out vagrancy from list of petty offenses in criminal code

Published by rudy Date posted on May 11, 2009

The Senate has approved on third and final reading a measure that will strike out vagrancy from the list of petty offenses in the criminal code, Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero said.

Escudero added Senate Bill 1965 sought to amend Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code which penalized vagrancy and prostitution. It removes the term vagrancy and its description in the law which imposes a jail sentence of one day to 30 days or a fine not exceeding P200.

“Today’s vagrants are mostly victims of circumstance and the inequities in society. Our laws must march in step with times. It is time to strike out this anti-poor provision from our code of crimes,” Escudero stressed.

He said the bill, which is a consolidation of bills filed by him and two other senators, was approved by the committees on justice and human rights and on constitutional amendments, revision of codes and laws.

Escudero, chairman of the Senate committee on justice and human rights and Senate committee on constitutional amendments, revision of laws and codes, said if the bill becomes law, it would also decongest court dockets and allow law enforcement officers to pay more attention to graver offenses, thereby improving the administration of justice in the country.

“It also seeks to give a more humane countenance on our justice system which prioritizes the rehabilitation of the offender and acknowledges the value of every human life,” Escudero said. –PNA

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