Growth of supplements impacts pharma sector

Published by rudy Date posted on June 13, 2009

MANILA, Philippines—The emergence of various types of health supplements has adversely impacted the growth of the local pharmaceutical sector, according to an industry executive.

In an interview, United Laboratories Inc. corporate vice president Jose Maria Ochave admitted that while the impact was not easily quantifiable, the effect on the growth in the health supplements industry was being felt.

“The impact on us is not that big, but there is an impact. Growth won’t be as big, most likely,” he said. “The health supplements sector has actually created a new market. Based on all the ads that they are coming out with, they must be earning a lot.”

He advised users of these supplements, however, to make sure that what they were taking was backed by research data and clinical tests.

Unlike traditional pharmaceutical products, he said most of the health supplements out in the market did not go through stringent clinical trials and tests required by the Bureau of Food and Drugs.

“These supplements are good, but these should be backed by clinical trials. They should limit their claims if there are no clinical tests to back these up,” he said.

The role of the BFAD here, he said, was critical as the agency had to educate consumers about these health supplements.

The statement “no approved therapeutic claims,” for example, would have to be thoroughly explained to consumers, he said.

“There have been a lot of cases where people with illnesses like diabetes replaced their prescribed medicines with supplements. It should be made clear that supplements are not meant to replace their medication, but only supplement these,” he said.

“The BFAD should take the lead in educating people about this. They should know that all claims should always be backed by studies and clinical tests,” he added. –Abigail L. Ho, Philippine Daily Inquirer

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