Norwegian White Paper on CSR now in ENGLISH version

Published by rudy Date posted on June 16, 2009

The white paper on Corporate Social Responsibility, published in January 2009 by the Government of Norway is now available in English. See link below.

It pushes for more companies to enter into global framework agreements with the trade union movement.  – The Government asks that Norwegian companies actively work in favour of global framework agreements, based on the ILO core conventions and contributes to strengthening workers’ rights, it says in the paper. It also states that companies should considering ways of establishing some sort of system that could ensure that the voice of workers are heard in the workplaces in those countries that do not have freedom of organizing and of collective bargaining. – The responsibility of policy makers and the business sector to ensure decent working conditions does not stop at the Norwegian border, the Foreign Minister Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre said in his comment as the paper was published.

The white paper clarifies the responsibility companies have with regard to human rights, decent working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

– The Government will propose amendments to the Accounting Act that extend the duty of Norwegian companies to provide information on what they are doing to implement ethical guidelines. It also intends to strengthen the Norwegian national contact point for the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies, which is tasked with promoting the guidelines and dealing with cases of alleged breaches. A number of other measures will also be continued and strengthened, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms Sylvia Brustad said

The Government underlines that the Norwegian authorities are themselves responsible for taking ethical concerns into account and behaving responsibly, and that the State must show social responsibility owner, investor, purchaser and administrator of development assistance funds.

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