TUCP urges government to ease sick leave rules

Published by rudy Date posted on June 19, 2009

MANILA, Philippines – The country’s largest labor organization yesterday called on the government to ease the existing sick leave rules as a measure to prevent further spread of Influenza A(H1N1).

The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) said the relaxation of sick leave rules is necessary to encourage workers who are manifesting flu-like symptoms to go on voluntary quarantine.

“Employers should discourage staff who manifest flu-like symptoms from reporting for work, even if this means temporarily raising their sick leave allowances,” TUCP secretary-general and former senator Ernesto Herrera said in a statement.

Herrera said allowing workers to stay at home while recovering from possible flu would keep all worksites nationwide free from A(H1N1), and thus prevent the possible outbreak of the infection in the country.

“Our worry is that due to overly strict sick leave rules, and because in the real world many laborers desperately need the day’s pay to cope with the cost of living, some of them may be forced to go to work even if they know or suspect that they already have flu-like symptoms. This should not be the case,” Herrera explained.

Herrera also urged employers to adopt aggressive strategies to prevent, monitor and control the spread of A(H1N1) among their workers by ensuring adequate ventilation in their facilities, and access to hand washing and other sanitation provisions.

He said employers should also suspend non-essential large gatherings, including flag-raising ceremonies, and encourage workers to bring their own food and eat in their work stations. – Mayen Jaymalin, Philippine Star

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