16,000 drivers, conductors to lose jobs due to bus reduction scheme on Edsa

Published by rudy Date posted on July 16, 2009

More or fewer than 16,000 bus drivers and conductors stand to loose their jobs after the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) announced that there is no stopping the full implementation of the bus reduction scheme along Edsa.

Integrated Metro Bus Operator Association president Claire de la Fuente said each bus has two drivers and two conductors working on shifts.

This means that if LTFRB Chairman Alberto Suansing said they would no longer renew the franchises of 4,000 out the 5,000 buses plying Edsa, then it means an additional loss of jobs to 16,000 people.

She added the figure could actually go higher since it would also mean the loss of jobs to bus mechanics.

“This is an economic sabotage,” she said.

She added the argument of the government that the buses plying Edsa are not even full, she argued that if a bus company is not generating income then there will be no new buses along Edsa.

“May magnenegosyo ba ng palugi kita mo nga ang dami nga na mga bagong bus ngayon,” she said, adding a new bus costs around P6.5 to P6.7 million.

Suansing said they plan to reduce the number of buses plying Edsa by 80 percent over five years.

He added they are enforcing a “franchise attrition” to substantially reduce the number of buses plying the major thoroughfare.

“At any given time, there are 4,000 to 5,000 buses plying Edsa right now. As per our computation, there can’t be more than 1,000 buses on Edsa,” he said.

With the franchise attrition, operators whose buses ply Edsa can no longer renew expired franchises with the LTFRB, Suansing said. The LTFRB franchise for bus operators lasts five years.

Suansing also said they will amend the franchises issued by the LTFRB to provincial bus operators so their units will no longer be allowed to pass through Edsa. –Jason Faustino, Daily Tribune

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