‘World emerging from deep slump, but can it last?’

Published by rudy Date posted on August 24, 2009

WASHINGTON — Turnabouts in European and Asian economies, along with recent gains in the US, are raising hopes that the worldwide recession is drawing to a close. That’s not to say the coast is clear.

The brightening outlook in Europe and Asia and the improvement in US credit markets and indicators reflect heavy government stimulus spending. Many analysts question whether the top economies can sustain recoveries after stimulus measures and easy-credit policies have run their course — and in the absence of significant new consumer spending, especially among Americans.

“It’s not clear that these economies can continue to move forward without stimulus,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Economy.com. “And that’s in part why stock markets across the globe are nervous.”

It will be difficult for other countries to pull out of recession until the US, still one quarter of the world economy, starts growing, he said.

After a frightening free-fall across Europe in late 2008, France and Germany, the continent’s two largest economies, reported recently that they had grown slightly in the second quarter of 2009. Other major European countries reported they were still struggling, but with generally improved figures over late 2008 and earlier this year.

China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea have also reported rebounds as government stimulus efforts across the globe have begun to show results.

Russia, among the hardest hit of major economies as oil prices slumped and many foreign investors fled the country, appeared to be stabilizing.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the Federal Reserve said the world’s largest economy appeared to be “leveling out” and many economists see a second-half rebound.

It all adds up to an improving picture ahead of an economic summit next month in Pittsburgh of the world’s top 20 industrial and developing economies.

It is the third such meeting of all the major economic players, after one convened by former President George W. Bush in November in Washington, and one held earlier this year in London. It is the first to be held recently as economies appear to be improving.

But until American consumers begin spending again, and so long as jobs are still being lost, the durability of any recovery is questionable. Major retailers reported this week that US consumers are continuing to rein in spending on all but basics.

Despite slight recent improvements in many US economic statistics, many consumers have not seen a change in their lives.

So many jobs have been lost – nearly seven million since the recession began in December 2007 – that the unemployment rate will remain high long after the economy begins to rebound.

Many out-of-work Americans have lost unemployment and severance benefits and are depleting their savings. Others are saving more and spending less, still shaken from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

“This is going to be the mother of all jobless recoveries,” said Allen Sinai, chief global economist for Decision Economics, a consulting firm.

Japan, the world’s second-largest economy, grew 0.9 percent in the second quarter, or April to June, compared with the prior quarter as export sales picked up after the country’s deepest slump since World War II, the Japanese government reported earlier this week. It was the latest major economy to report upbeat second-quarter results.

Japan’s return to growth – thanks to a 6.3 percent uptick in exports along with government stimulus measures – marked the end of a yearlong recession.

But the development, along with recent news that other major economies had resumed economic growth or were stabilizing, did not impress investors as global stock markets sank and then zigzagged amid fears by jittery international investors that the recoveries were not sustainable. – AP

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