De Castro gets tough on erring developers

Published by rudy Date posted on September 22, 2009

VICE President Noli de Castro has rejected the request of subdivision developers and condominium builders for an easing of a circular, which sets a minimum level of development before they can start selling.

De Castro, also chairman of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board that set the requirement, said the circular was put in place in view of the mounting complaints received from buyers on the non-completion or non-delivery of home or condo projects by developers.

Speaking during the Developers National Convention 2009 in Makati, De Castro said there were 680 cases filed against the top 20 developers in the country. At least 458 of these cases involved unfinished projects while 222 were related to housing units that were not delivered to buyers.

“Merely 40 percent of the projects are done in schedule. Even big developers have projects that are not completed,” said De Castro, the administration’s housing czar.

Key shelter agencies are bound to protect the rights of the buyers, De Castro said in defense of HLURB Resolution 830.

The government encourages buyers to visit the housing units first before they make the payment, De Castro pointed out.

“The minimum development that we set provides security for the buyers.”

This minimum development, he said, includes road tracing, land clearing and grubbing, and an entrance gate if included in the advertisement for subdivision projects.

For condominium projects, the required minimum development will be measured by the depth of excavation according to the approved plan and excavation permit. –Manila Standard Today

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