Reds still see ‘strategic stalement’ in next decade

Published by rudy Date posted on September 2, 2009

THE communists are still hoping to achieve what they call a “strategic stalemate” in the next 10 years in their war against the government, and that with luck, “progressive forces within the ruling system” will negotiate peace with them to achieve national unity.

“The ever worsening crisis conditions of the world capitalist system and domestic ruling system are favorable for waging revolution,” Jose Maria Sison, the National Democratic Front’s chief political consultant, said in a statement.

The communists have been fighting for 40 years to install a Maoist government. Their peace talks with the government have stalled several times, and recently they said they might have to wait for another administration to negotiate.

But President Gloria Arroyo yesterday expressed confidence that the peace talks with the NDF and the Communist Party of the Philippines would proceed.

“While our negotiations with the [communists] have suffered some kinks, hopefully these can be ironed out,” she said, referring to the cancelation of the Aug. 28 meeting in Oslo after the rebels demanded the release of more of their negotiators and consultants so the talks could resume.

“I urge the support and cooperation of everyone in sustaining the gains of our peace and development efforts, and overcoming the challenges and obstacles that come our way,” Mrs. Arroyo said.

Still, Sison yesterday insisted that his group “does not see that the Arroyo regime is seriously interested in peace negotiations.”

“Accordingly, the CPP, NDF and the New People’s Army are united and ready to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against any scheme or maneuver of the Arroyo regime,” he said.

Sison himself pushed for a Sept. 5 meeting in Oslo, but he stressed that the NPA was steadfast in building more units and expanding its stronghold across the country.

NPA fighters would cover 179 rural congressional districts in the next two to three years, he said.

If left-leaning politicians or candidates from party-list groups suspected of being communist fronts won in 2010, a lasting peace agreement might be possible. –Joyce Pangco Pañares, Manila Standard Today

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