23 MSMEs vie for Productivity Olympics awards

Published by rudy Date posted on October 17, 2009

The National Wages and Productivity Commission, an attached agency of the Department of Labor and Employment, announced that 23 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are vying to become the next “Productivity Champions.” The 23 MSMEs finalist were selected by from 48 contenders nationwide. The finalist will compete in nine categories representing the three major sectors (agribusiness, industry and services) cross cut by employment size (micro, small and medium enterprises). The 2009 Productivity Olympics, which is now in its second year aims to intensify awareness on the importance of productivity and to showcase best productivity improvement practices throughout the country.

The theme for this year’s Productivity Olympics is “Enhancing quality and productivity towards competitiveness.”

The contenders went through a rigid process of screening both at the regional and national levels by the Regional Screening and National Screening Committee (NWPC)composed of representatives from the labor, employer and government sectors. The 23 finalists will go through the final phase of the competition as they face the national judges on October 22, 2009.

The activity will culminate in awarding ceremonies on October 29, 2009 at the Bayview Hotel coinciding with the celebration of the National Quality and Productivity Month. Cash prizes, trophies and priority endorsements to various Labor department training programs and services await the winners.

Last year, the NWPC awarded seven MSMEs for having the best productivity improvement programs.

Winners under the “Best in People Development” category were Natomo Manufacturing (Region I), Add Research Prints and Chemicals Inc. (Region IV-A), Tropics Agro Industries (Region V), Cagayan Valley Sanitarium and Hospital (Region II). For “Best in Business Excellence” category, Kuya Orly’s Café and Restaurant (CAR), Velomer Poultry Breeder Farms and SLERS Industries, Inc. (Northern Mindanao) were declared as winners.

For the rest of 2009, the NWPC and its network of Regional Boards will continue to take a more aggressive efforts in promoting workforce and enterprise productivity, particularly among MSMEs. By taking the high road to productivity, firms are encouraged to efficiently manage their resources and pursue HRD activities in preparation for eventual economic recovery. –Manila Times

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