PCCI pushes private sector participation in trade talks

Published by rudy Date posted on October 25, 2009

MANILA, Philippines – Local businessmen are urging President Arroyo to appoint a permanent trade negotiator and create an Industry and Services Advisory Council (ISAC) to institutionalize private sector participation in trade negotiations.

The request was contained in a resolution submitted to the President during the 35th Philippine Business Conference organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI).

The PCCI said the ISAC system will ensure there is a specific mechanism, including pertinent timelines, area coverages and specific parameters for regular consultations from the time requests for a free trade agreement (FTA) are entertained up to their ratification.

With the appointment of a permanent trade negotiator and institution of ISAC mechanism, various stakeholders would be “assured of a trade policy regime that is coordinated, cohesive and complimentary – able to pursue the general welfare, create jobs, ensure food security, and rural and industrial development for the country”, it earlier said.

To boost international trade, the business executives likewise asked the government to create and organize a permanent organization that would advance the interests and concerns of the private sector on the various economic and trade-related strategies and initiatives of the government.

Such group shall serve as the counterpart of government in articulating the position of the various industries specifically on the impact of the different trade agreements entered into by the Philippine government with other countries.

To protect the local sectors, it will develop a database specifically on sectors that have offensive and defensive interests on the various trade agreements both in ASEAN and World Trade Organization (WTO).

“(The organization will also) look into the current consultation structure and identify its flaws and loopholes and provide a solution on how to implement reforms,” said the PCCI.

The business group also stressed the need to unify the government’s trade negotiation system.

To this end, it pushed for an executive order (EO) backing up the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as the lead agency in all trade negotiations.

Moreover, the PCCI’s proposed group shall champion the introduction of key legislation on competition and investment practices that would minimize if not eliminate the monopolies and cartels in the country. — Philexport News and Features

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