TUCP selected for JILAF’s Pilot Program on Developing a Model Manual on Productivity and LMC

Published by rudy Date posted on December 7, 2009

Japan International Labour Foundation (JILAF) in cooperation with Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) conducted the “National Workshop on Development of Productivity and Labor Management Cooperation Manual on October 12-15, 2009, in Cebu City.

TUCP-selected-for-JILAFs-Pilot-ProgramSome 23 trade union leaders from 16 local unions including POSITIVE (OSH program) core-trainers from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao developed the draft Action Check List and presentation slides on “Productivity”, “5S”, “Labour Management Cooperation” and “Collective Bargaining”.

The program is JILAF’s pilot initiative in the development of a model manual on CSR and productivity using the POSITIVE (Participation Oriented Safety Improvement by Trade Union Initiative) approach. The manual will serve as model for JILAF’s similar Field Project activities in other countries.

Three (3) JILAF experts, Bros. Kenichi Kumagai (Deputy Secretary), Koji Suzuki (Director, Field Projects Group) and Takeru Kato (Field Projects Group Officer) joined the program.

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