Double victory

Published by rudy Date posted on January 21, 2010

The Comelec decision dismissing three petitions to disqualify President Estrada and the Supreme Court decision throwing out The Vanguard petition also to disqualify him should now debunk the black propaganda of the Nacionalista and Liberal camps that Erap will be disqualified or will withdraw from the 2010 presidential race.

I am optimistic that with these two decisions, Erap’s survey ratings will now increase by 8 to12 percentage points. Note that the Senate committee of the whole report is inflicting damage on Manny Villar and the votes that he will lose will most probably transfer to Erap.

This will encourage Erap and his campaign leaders to double their efforts to assure his election back to Malacañang..

As Erap said: “This is a fight to the finish. Withdrawal is not in my vocabulary.”

It is a good omen that the Comelec decision was promulgated on the anniversary of his departure from Malacañang nine years ago. It is also a good omen that 2010 is the year of the Tiger, the same as in 1998 when Erap was first elected.

Erap at Lyceum Forum. President Estrada attended the Philippine Futuristic Society, UP and Lyceum sponsored forum on governance yesterday. He was welcomed by Lyceum president Roberto Laurel. President Erap expressed the following views:

On education:

1. Budget prioritization for education

2. Day care centers w/ pre-school

3. Computerization of schools and training of teachers for more competitive education

4. Solve classroom shortage once and for all. The first P20 billion available in the Treasury will be released for this purpose.

On graft and corruption:

1. Transparency

• Economic Coordinating Council composed of prominent businessmen to review government contracts.

2. No person is above the law. There will be no sacred cows like the Ampatuans.

3. Appointment of men of integrity, base appointments on meritocracy to Cabinet positions and heads of offices.

4. Certainty of arrest and punishment by appointing good men to (1) Ombudsman (2) CoA (3) Sandiganbayan

On political warlordism and private armies:

1. Instruct DILG to act swiftly and decisively on this.

2. Utilize military’s Order of Battle and improve intelligence against private armies.

3. Keep tight watch on inventory of AFP and PNP firearms and stock of ammunitions

4. Stop smuggling of firearms

On work ethics: “Just because I have a sense of humor does not mean I do not work hard. You should analyze my administration’s legacy first before accusing me of being lackadaisical. If I was the drunk, lazy leader that my detractors said I was, how did I get the Philippines to be the first country to survive the Asian Financial Crisis? How did I bring our GNP up from 0 to over 4 percent? How did I bring our farm output up from negative 6 to positive 6? You don’t achieve that by sleeping on the job. So to those who say I had a bad work ethic, I say to you: Look at the records first.

On the Justice System: 1. We have to erase the notion that Justices handpicked by Malacañang are puppets of Malacañang, which is the impression under this administration. Therefore, there has to be prudence in appointments, supported by policy of meritocracy and respect for seniority.

2. We have to erase the notion that cases against the rich are not acted upon. This will be solved by ensuring that the next President does not interfere in the affairs of the Supreme Court and by ordering the Justice Department to pursue present unresolved cases.

3. Minimize the fixing of cases.

4. Police witnesses who do not show up must be dismissed.

5. Increase number of policemen.

6. Review rules of engagement

7. Lifestyle check on police officers

On Climate Change:

1. We must hold the First World countries who are the biggest polluters responsible.

2. We must do our part, no matter how small. Implement Clean Air Act, introduce more environmentally friendly concepts like electric jeeps, solar cars.

3. Be on the forefront of developing environmentally-friendly technology, e.g., DLSU developed solar cars.

On Foreign Investment Policy:

1. This goes back to peace and order. Because peace and order is prerequisite to attracting investors in the countryside.

2. Another must is erasing the impression of being the Number 1 most corrupt country in the world. If investors believe that they can do business in the country without the cost of corruption, investments will flow in.

3. Reduce red tape

On Charter Change: 1. The economic provisions of our Constitution are restrictive. ex. Land ownership, foreign participation in telecommunications. However, Charter change must be done thoroughly and, therefore, studied immediately when the next president sits. 2. Not in favor of parliamentary system because you should not take away the right of the Filipino to cast his vote and choose his leader, that one instance where the voice of the poor counts as much as the voice of the rich.

Candidates Noynoy Aquino and Manny Villar who had confirmed their attendance did not show up. –Amb. Ernesto Maceda, Daily Tribune

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