Nationwide random testing shows very low drug use among students

Published by rudy Date posted on January 17, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Education (DepEd) said that latest results of the nationwide random drug testing (RDT) administered in public and private secondary schools show a very low drug use rate among school children.

Out of the 29,059 students tested under the RDT project, only 72 were found positive for drug use, translating to a prevalence rate of 0.24 percent.

Of the 72 confirmed drug users, 70 were for marijuana use while two were for use of metamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu.

The DepEd and the Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the Dangerous Drugs Board, conducted RDT among secondary students from February to December 2009, in compliance with a Presidential Directive to include for testing all public and private secondary schools.

DepEd said that 2,907 or 28.5 percent of the 10,257 targeted high schools nationwide had been visited for the random drug testing.

The National Reference Laboratory of the DOH reported 90 positive cases from the screening test, but only 72 were confirmed positive.

Earlier, the RDT program had met stiff opposition from several groups who branded the tests as a waste of government funds since such have been found to be ineffective in preventing drug use among the youth.

Although preliminary results reveal a relatively low rate of drug use, the DepEd said that it will continue with the RDT.

“These efforts will bring us closer to our goal of zero drug use among our 22 million elementary and high school students under the care of DepEd,” DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus said.

Lapus said DepEd will continue to strengthen the implementation of the National Drug Education Program (NDEP), which emphasizes the integration of drug prevention concepts in appropriate subject/learning areas at both elementary and secondary levels and alternative learning systems, including co-curricular activities.

Lapus instructed NDEP program coordinators to ensure that principals with positive cases in their schools come up with specific interventions and conduct periodic monitoring of program implementation, in close coordination with local government units and other concerned government and non-government organizations.

Moreover, guidance counselors in secondary schools have been more active in initiating various activities geared towards drug abuse prevention among the school populace and the “No Smoking” campaign in schools and DepEd offices.

DepEd said that DOH analysts have already visited almost 96 percent of the 874 high schools in the National Capital Region.

The RDT teams likewise visited a number of schools divisions in 14 regions. Only Region XII and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao were not scheduled in 2009 due to limited resources.

Lapus said the RDT will resume Jan. 15 until the end of classes in March.

The 20 analysts hired by DOH for the activity will be supported/assisted by DepEd health personnel during the school visits. –Rainier Allan Ronda (The Philippine Star)

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