Why we rush into jobs:
- Panic
- Pressure
- Promises (or expectations)
- “Pikon” (we want something, anything for work)
Key idea: A job is a relationship: ask yourself, do your have a keeper?
Job vs Career
- Tool to reach financial goals
- Little or no planning involved
- Becomes less satisfying if gifts and abilities are not utilized
- Most people choose jobs and work environments that fit lifestyle choices
- Offers stability and security
- Represents routine, low risk and stability
- You work to live
- Vocation in talent and skills are expressed throughout a lifetime
- Careful and prepared planning
- Passions and interests are cultivated
- Careers are chosen to leverage education and experience for advancement and progression
- Stimulates talents in a way that aligns with personal aspirations
- Embodies flexibility, risk and opportunity
- You live to work
To determine your careers
- Write down your goals.
- Break it down.
- Make a list of how to achieve your goals: build on your skills.
- Expand your network. Learn more about the field you want to be in.
- Visualize.
-Manila Bulletin