New program for motor vehicles onstream by June

Published by rudy Date posted on April 29, 2010

The government will roll out the new Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP) by mid-June, Trade Secretary Jesli Lapus said.

Upon publication of Executive Order (EO) 877, or “The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program,” which President Gloria Arroyo signed on April 23, the Board of Investments (BOI) would come up with a draft of the program’s implementing rules and regulations in a month’s time, Lapus said.

The Trade chief said the BOI would consult auto industry players and stakeholders in drafting the implementing rules.

A copy of EO 877 was received by the Department of Trade and Industry from Malacañang’s records office on Wednesday. A BOI source said the draft submitted by the agency for the President’s approval “is almost the same” as the approved EO.

“The new MVDP will be the catalyst that would provide the auto industry the environment to maximize and even expand its capacity, provide for a wider supply base for parts and components, and encourage the development and expansion of both the domestic and export markets for vehicles and parts and components,” Lapus said in a text message to reporters.

In a separate text message, Elizabeth Lee, Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines Inc. president, said “We hope the [new] MVDP will truly be good for the Philippine auto industry, particularly for the CKD [completely knocked down] assembly.”

Ben Arnold O. de Vera, Manila Times

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