What they don’t teach you in college and high school about jobseeking

Published by rudy Date posted on April 11, 2010

Resume basics

  • Don’t use a biodata
  • Information must be complete
  • Job objective
  • Highlights of qualifications
  • Presentation of relevant skills and experience
  • Work history
  • Relevant authority/training

Clueless references: A good reference should be able to talk about your:

  • Professionalism and personal character
  • Academic qualifications
  • Work experiences (job designation, duties and responsibilities, dates of employment)
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Management and leadership skills
  • Attitude (punctuality, dependability, etc.)

No job search strategy: Don’t just show up at a job fair unprepared, and don’t just tell yourself you’re going to look for a job.

The cure: Have goals; know what jobs you’re interested in, and be read to find jobs in expected places and companies.

Unprofessional, do not hire: There are many things you many overlook that make you look unprofessional.

  • Silly ringback tunes
  • Neon, feather, pompon, glitter pens
  • Email addresses like sweetcuteprettyjennysexy@something.com
  • A trying-hard American accent or a “pa-cute” voice
  • A resume that uses fancy, colored, or scented paper, weird fonts or colors, giants photos … or worse, all of the above!

Watch your English: Common spelling, word choice, and grammar errors to avoid in your resume and cover letter:

  • It’s HIGH SCHOOL not highschool
  • It’s RESULT IN, not result to or into
  • You don’t “request for” something; you just request it
  • These words do not exist:
    • Aggrupation (grouping)
    • Votation (voting)
    • Presentor (presenter)
    • Routinary (routine)
    • Irregardless (regardless)
  • Unnecessary capitals: Our Manager bought a Service Vehicle yesterday from our Dealer. (All letters in highlights are unnecessary capitalized.)
  • Their/they’re, your/you’re, it’s/its (Key: an apostrophe indicates a contracted or shorter form; the rest are possessive forms)
  • Don’t use the “more + er” construction (The applicant was more readier after the seminar.)
  • Avoid the misplaced apostrophe + s (More Filipino’s prefer Brand X)
  • Unnecessary plural forms: Furnitures. Bacterias. Equipments. Two millions of peoples
  • Interchanging “his” and “her”

Not following directions: Some companies still give application forms even if you have submitted a resume. Read and follow instructions before filling up application forms given by companies. Follow directions and fill out forms as completely as you can. Use black in k, print your answers clearly, and ask questions when in doubt.

Be ready for these kinds of examinations:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Abstract reasoning
  • Verbal communication
  • Vocabulary
  • Basic algebra
  • Psychological profiles
  • You may also be asked to write essays about yourself

These are other kinds of tests, the kind you won’t know you’re taking, and often they involve testing your patience, ability to deal with stress, and responses to hostility.

Your best job search weapons:

  • A research
  • A good attitude, an open mind
  • Creativity
  • Preparation, preparation, preparation!

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