Bad loans ease to 3.40 percent in April

Published by rudy Date posted on June 12, 2010

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) – The non-performing loans (NPL) ratio of Philippine universal and commercial banks (U/KBs) eased to 3.40 percent in April, according to data issued today by the country’s central bank.

This is by 0.12 percentage point higher than previous month’s 3. 28 percent but an improvement by 0.24 percentage point from year ago’s 3.64 percent ratio. This is the 19th consecutive month that the NPL ratio has been below four percent.

The improved NPL ratio in November came with the 0.77 percent expansion in total loan portfolio (TLP).

Net of interbank loans, the NPL ratio increased to 3.86 percent from last month’s 3.76 percent but eased from year ago’s 4.09 percent ratio.

The loan exposure of banks remained adequately covered. The NPL coverage ratio narrowed to 108.72 percent from last month’s 112.76 percent. But this is better than last year’s 99.65 percent.

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