Group calls end to child labor

Published by rudy Date posted on June 10, 2010

THE opening of the World Cup in South Africa today, Friday, has caught the International Labor Organization (ILO) as it celebrates the World’s Day Against Child Labor on June 12.

“While billions are caught up in the excitement of the football World Cup, some 215 million children are working for survival,” said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia, appealing to kick against child labor to finally eliminate it by 2016.

The Department of Labor and Employment (Dole) joined in the celebration through an event held in Tondo, Manila is in partnership with the Philippine Miracle Team and the Don Bosco Youth Center.

Child workers in the National Capital Region and nearby provinces performed a football exhibition match and a parade of colors with the theme “Go for the Goal: End Child Labor”.

Every June 12, the World Day brings together governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society, as well as millions of people to highlight the plight of child workers.

According to the ILO, various events are to be held in more than 60 countries to join the “Red Card campaign against child labor”.

These includes the publication of a resource kit produced in collaboration with Football International Federation Association (FIFA) and aimed at using football to support work in child labor elimination projects.

Based on ILO data, more than 215 million children worldwide are still in child labor, only seven million less than in 2004. Around 115 million of these are even subjected to its worst forms.

There has also been an alarming 20 percent increase in child labor in the 15-17 age group, the ILO noted.

Although there is a decrease in the Asian-Pacific region, the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa remains to be alarming.

In the Philippines, the 2001 survey showed that child workers totaled to 4.18 million. Since the data needs to reflect recent numbers, the ILO – International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEL) will be sponsoring an updated survey next year. (Kathrina Alvarez/Sunnex)

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