4 decades of parent-teacher collaboration on reproductive health program

Published by rudy Date posted on July 22, 2010

(Part 1 of a series on Reproductive Health)

The population has reached 90 million. Seventy percent are poor and barely productive. Only five years remain to attain the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals. The UN Global Monitoring Report 2010 foresees our failure in two goals: providing quality primary education for all; and decreasing maternal and infant mortality rates.

The two relates to each other. The high rate of primary school dropouts increases yearly the adult illiteracy rate. Without self-esteem and a recovery program, these poor students are vulnerable to sickness, HIV-AIDS, drugs, crime, teen pregnancy and unemployment.

DepEd pilots UNFPA-assisted ‘Teen Wellness Program’ in 10 provinces

Back in the late ’70s, the Department of Education required the teaching of PopEd (Population Education) to high school students. During that time, people also received the idea of teaching reproductive health or sex education with skepticism. After some time, it was abolished due to strong opposition and criticism.

Now, population growth and related diseases have reached alarming rates not only within the country but also worldwide. The government is once again aggressively advocating teaching reproductive health assisted by the UN Population Fund and AusAid. Determined to implement the program, DepEd seeks to soften the opposition of the Church and some ‘concerned’ parties by using the more politically acceptable term – Teen Wellness Program. Instead of treating the matter as one distinct subject, DepEd is proposing to integrate the concepts of reproductive health via the different subjects across all levels of the high school curriculum – Science, Filipino, Social Studies, P.E. and Health, Values Education, even in Math.

The resulting modules dispersed statistics regarding illiteracy, school drop-outs, unemployment, HIV-AIDS, abortions in Math and Science. Drama, roundtable discussion techniques were used to express unspoken feelings. About ten laws to protect children were identified and included definition of sex molestation, rape, violence against women, incest and human trafficking.

Supplement materials for DepEd basic education health module

It is necessary to supplement the cerebral approach of the DepEd modules, perhaps our OB Montessori school experience could help.

Since 1990, I have written weekly columns for The Philippine STAR. Articles on education, travels and UNESCO projects recorded how the Montessori system was used effectively from preschool to professional high school and college since 1966. I personally feel that the “Facts of Life” can be pleasantly revealed, taught and experienced during childhood without stirring controversy in the country. Note the following articles, which provided both school and home psychologically healthy lessons and experiences throughout life:

The Children’s Hour and History referred to the popular television program I hosted (1970-71) with preschoolers. Care of the person and the environment were demonstrated. Hands on materials in Science, Math, Geometry, Language and Geography enabled preschoolers in 150 local municipalities of Luzon to acquire third grade competence.

Under the Heart is a Little Room is a detailed analysis on how boys and girls become conscious of their body change during puberty; Boys and Girls’ Personal Awareness of the Sacredness of the Human Body; Our Little Girl is a Young Woman; Bringing Up the Moral Child (three articles); Adding Laws on Persons… to the High School Curriculum; What Husbands and Wives wish their Partners should know; Know these Things before you say I DO.

The engagement and marriage game

For 17 years, our four Operation Brotherhood Montessori professional high schools have used a consumer course for third year students, I duplicated from a high school in San Diego, California, USA.

In the “getting engaged” process, a male student is partnered with a female student with whom he does not have any emotional attachment. They pretend to become steady friends with one another and “announce” to both parents their engagement.

Aimee Olivares, the youngest in a family of five children says: “At first, I was hesitant to tell my parents about the engagement-marriage game. They are rather conservative, but it should be worth the try. As expected, they were kinda shocked and they reminded me not to take this engagement game for ‘real.’”

After the announcement of the engagement to both parents, the senior boys have to provide an engagement ring. “RJ made me choose between three rings. Only one ring fits. It was filled with diamonds. I thought it was embarrassing so I returned the ring and asked him to replace it with a simpler one. After a week, we both gave each other simpler rings. We’re now officially engaged!”

The scrapbook manual

Wedding ceremonies involve very many details, thus it is best to prepare a scrapbook manual. Buy a clearbook and make a checklist.

You will then know that there are certain legal documents like the birth certificate that is required prior to getting a marriage license. A marriage license is necessary for both a civil or church wedding and a filing fee must be paid. For the latter, the couples will have to submit their baptismal and confirmation certificates. Copies of these documents are placed in the beginning of the scrapbook manual.

The student couple decides the day and time, the kind of church ceremony, reception, color and motif. Aside from the guest list, both will have to discuss the choice of sponsors and the members of the entourage.

Christina Leviste, a senior student says, “I think the Engagement Game is kinda cool. You sort of ‘pretend’ to be couples and there’s no malice in it because it’s a school requirement.”

Selecting a home for the first years

As soon as the couple gets officially engaged, they decide on what type of residence they can afford. Once again the student-couples realize that their new home will be the major strain on their budget. Purchasing a house, a condominium unit or a townhouse is unaffordable for young couples who are not yet well-established in their jobs. Many have to live first with the parents of either the bride or the groom. It is, of course, easier to live with the bride’s family since this is an adjustment period. Besides, the proud groom will be specially motivated to live independently as soon as possible.

They would find it difficult to buy a condominium, but the more affordable residence would belong to the low-cost housing. Many, however, opt to rent a one or two bedroom apartment with a monthly rental of P7,000 to P10,000.

The cost of pregnancy

In this activity, the pregnancy period is nine weeks (one week being equal to one month). The couple must place an egg in an attractive basket. Everywhere the girl goes, the basket goes. This is likened to a pregnant woman who carries the baby for nine months. All the eggs have been marked and signed by the class adviser so that no substitute may be done in case the egg cracks or breaks.

Jaime Gonzalez thought the idea was ridiculous, “I never imagined nurturing an egg as if it was a real human baby. As time elapsed, I realized the purpose behind the game, which was to instill responsibility in us and for us to know what to expect when the time comes for us to be parents. I will surely look back at this game as a ‘training ground’ for what awaits us in the near future.”

Jill Ann Javier thinks playing mother was sort of funny, “This game is a project for our Emotional Education class. For nine weeks, we cared for “the baby” (pregnancy). It was so small so it really took a lot of care just to be able to keep it safe. Unfortunately, it broke after the fourth week.”

For those students whose eggs broke, they found out that the expense for a miscarriage is similar to giving birth the normal way. It costs P20,000 to P30,000 depending on the hospital, the hospital room and of course the attending physicians. A Caesarian-section will cost at least P60,000 or more. However, you will only be spending a fourth of the above cost if you were confined in a government hospital or lying-in clinics.

Parents’ reaction

Like the students, their parents reacted positively.

My parents were very civilized about it. My dad seldom talked about the subject, although he did ask about its progress. My mom was playful. She kept on looking for her ‘grandchild’, insisting that she wanted to play with it. She would ask if I needed anything like small items for the baby. But, basically, they were shocked to have a baby ‘egg’ as their first grandchild. (Thettis Patrocino)

My mom felt I was still too young for this type of activity. But, when she realized the objective and the mechanics of the activity, she was as enthusiastic as I was. She gave me some points of view since she knows that it’s not just me who will go through this process – but also my ‘husband’. She shared with me actual experiences she had with my dad. (Sharmaine de Guzman) –Preciosa S. Soliven (The Philippine Star)

January 24 –
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