Read between the lines

Published by rudy Date posted on July 28, 2010

It is interesting that President “Noy” and his crew made special mention of the media by asking it’s members to “police its own ranks”. Knowing that P-Noy is very at ease with the media, one has to step back and wonder what exactly was the point in all that.

Is the administration signaling some measure of discomfort or unhappiness with media? Is it a sign that beneath all the relationship building and bonding, P-Noy and his crew actually have serious issues, if not an axe to grind with members of the media?

Either way, it seems that P-Noy has not received independent inputs about Philippine media. Asking media to “police its own ranks” is like telling pimps to be nice to their hookers. Again it’s wishful thinking on the part of P-Noy.

The President may not realize it but the broadcast industry is supposed to be regulated by the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas or the KBP and by the MTRCB.

In terms of actually regulating things and doing their jobs, the KBP is a mythical entity while the MTRCB was doing a good job on the entertainment side, until they too decided to become the local Oscar awards body.

Every time Willie Revillame or Joey de Leon cross the line they always get a slap on the wrist or put in the penalty box. That is something the MTRCB can be proud of. In the case of the KBP how can you expect owners and minions to regulate themselves?

The KBP can’t even force a major TV/radio network to renew their membership. They are powerless to curb trash talking, truth twisting commentators because in the end you can’t expect rotten parents to spank rotten kids.

In addition to that, Congress and the National Telecommunications Commission have chosen to turn a blind eye to actual ANTI TRUST dealings and virtual monopoly of TV and radio frequencies on the FM band and cable TV. Instead of promoting the equitable distribution of frequencies and channels, the truth is, an average of 3 to 5 frequencies belong to one person, company or politician.

To add insult to injury, the franchise given by Congress to build and operate these public utilities are now sold for a profit for a low of P15 million just for a piece of paper with an assigned frequency to it.

So what we really have are businessmen and politicians who use media to further their business or political agenda or trash talk people or government when these oppose their interests.

If P-Noy and his boys want to improve things in media, the only way to do so is to set the example in terms of what government owned TV and radio stations can do. Put a stop to the mediocre operations of government media facilities and stop making them employment agencies.

If P-Noy wants good media then he should get the best and the brightest to crack the whip or open the door so others can contribute to a better government media. Start in your own backyard Mr. President.

And if you want a more mature, responsible and civilized media, someone in Congress has to help you legislate accountability, professionalism by way of mandatory trainings and competitive compensation.

If priests, doctors, and judges are accountable to a higher and authority, then so should media.

March 2025

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