The President’s Men and Women: DOLE chief’s mission far from over

Published by rudy Date posted on July 25, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – Until last July 5 when she officially took over the leadership of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Rosalinda Baldoz was content to be working in the background, playing a supporting role to her superiors.

Baldoz was initially hesitant to accept the offer to head the labor department since she knew she would have to take a lead role in resolving the country’s high unemployment problem.

The job offer, according to Baldoz, came at a time when she was thinking of a less stressful life, considering that she has served the department for 35 years in various capacities.

But hours of “job interview” with the President changed her mind as he was able to convince her that her mission as a public official was far from over.

Although she turned 60 last month, the former practicing lawyer expressed confidence that she still has the strength to fulfill the daunting task of providing more responsive services to the people.

“I am very willing and inspired to serve the people’s President and our constituents,” Baldoz said as she officially took over the post and became the country’s 25th labor secretary.

On her first day as labor secretary, Baldoz met with all senior officials and regional directors of the DOLE to discuss priority programs and strategies.

Baldoz said she has instructed the DOLE’s Bureau of Local Employment Statistics (BLES) to come out with an accurate national manpower registry and labor market information.

She pointed out that for the longest time, the government has been unsuccessful in resolving the growing unemployment due to lack of accurate statistics.

“We have an existing national skills registry, but it’s not linked with the private sector. We do not really know at this time how many and what skills are available nationwide so we have to develop a new (registry),” Baldoz said.

Accurate labor market information is essential at this time to enable the government to address the skills and jobs mismatch, which is the root of the “structural unemployment” in the country, Baldoz said.

The labor chief said under her term, DOLE will intensify skills training programs and strengthen the government’s existing ladderized education program to solve the problem on skills and jobs mismatch.

“Ladderized education program would encourage young Filipinos to take up vocational courses then find a job and support themselves if they wish to seek higher education,” Baldoz said.

Baldoz added that ladderized education would also provide the necessary training and certification required by foreign employers.

She also plans to bring the government’s existing job facilitation programs to the community level in an effort to hike the employment rate.

Baldoz said most of these programs are being implemented on the national level and do not reach far flung areas.

“Most of our job facilitation programs are now being done online but it has not reached the grassroots so we will be mounting an information campaign,” Baldoz said.

“What is the use of having so many programs, when people are unaware of it and therefore, are unable to avail of such services,” she added.

Baldoz likewise vowed to enhance “tripartism and social dialogue” under her tenure and focus on doable programs in the next two years.

“I will be realistic in my targets and be consistent with the President’s policy to focus first on low hanging fruits and projects that are immediately doable,” she said. –Mayen Jaymalin (The Philippine Star)

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