Government officials are giving their non Career Executive Service Officers (CESO) until October 30 at the earliest to vacate their Career Executive Service (CES) positions. In line with the Memorandum Circular (MC) 2 issued by Malacañang which extends the services of non career officials holding Career Executive Service positions until October 30, top officials are partial as to how they are going to implement the said order from President Benigno Aquino 3rd.
Budget and Management Secretary Florencio Abad said that within his department, there are two CES positions that are currently being held by non CESO and that for “humanitarian reasons,” he would give them until the end of the year to take the elegibility exam to become CESOs.
“They have to take the test and pass it. Otherwise, these two officials would have to give way to those who are qualified to take on their respective positions,” he added.
The Budget and Management chief declined to name the positions and persons holding such positions at his department.
Meanwhile, Finance Assistant Secretary Ma. Teresa Habitan, who is a CESO III slammed the circular issued by Malacañang since it “only destroys institutions and merely politicizes the system.”
“There are people in the Finance department that are career in the sense that they rose from the ranks because of their hard work and competence. And that for some reason did not take the CES eligibility,” she added.
Further, the Finance official said that the there are more positions that were meant only for CESOs.
“Malacañang should clarify this matter and admit that it is a downright mistake on their part. There are employees who are career and rose from the ranks. Does that mean they should likewise be removed in the absence of CES eligibility?” Habitan said.
“Although the intent is good, it cannot be done now. If they [Malacañang] would hasten the process for the government employees to take the exam, it should likewise follow that they give a better incentive to make it attractive,” she added.
Another official from the Finance department said that the incentives being given by the CES board or the government for those who passed the “tedious and extremely difficult” executive service exam is so meager that nobody is enticed to take it.”
“But they cannot hasten it as well, as it would defeat the purpose and discount its prestige. Thus, it is strongly recommended that they [Malacañang] come up with a concrete move first in addressing this problem before imposing something which at present is impossible,” the Finance official added.
For its part, Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Jacinto-Henares said that she would implement the executive order by giving all employees holding
Career level positions three months or until October 30 to prove themselves that they deserve to be retained regardless of the absence of CESO eligibility.
“As I always point out, It would be meritocracy that would prevail,” she added.
Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez was not available for comment. However, two weeks ago, a ranking official from Customs said that Alvarez has sought the master list of positions that were only meant for CES holders and the corresponding division heads to determine whether they are candidates for retention.
Malacañang on Friday issued MC 2 that extends the tenure of non career officials holding Career Executive Service positions to October 31 this year. MC
2, signed by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr., amends MC 1, the first circular issued by President Benigno Aquino 3rd when he assumed office on June 30.
The new memorandum changes the termination date of the services of the non career officials, who were supposed to be out of their jobs on July 31. –KATRINA MENNEN A. VALDEZ REPORTER, Manila Times
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