MANILA, Philippines – Adding to the burden of the Philippine Airlines (PAL), its flight attendants are also going on strike within 2 weeks due to management’s alleged failure to address their labor problems.
In a phone interview with, Flight Attendants’ and Stewards’ Association of the Philippines (FASAP) President Bob Anduiza said the Lucio Tan-led company has been implementing undermanned flights over the past year.
Each flight is undermanned by at least 2 flight attendants, which has affected PAL’s services to its customers, he said.
He said PAL has unilaterally reduced the number of flight attendants per flight, resulting to more work but less pay for the crew.
Anduiza explained many have also transferred to other foreign airlines citing lack of security of tenure and other labor problems.
He said the 1,600-strong FASAP is still in a deadlock with PAL management with regard to its collective bargaining agreement.
Anduiza said the union is asking PAL to implement a reasonable retirement age. At present, the retirement age for flight attendants is 40.
He said FASAP has diligently attended preventive mediation meetings before the Department of Labor and Employment, which started during the time of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
FASAP has already attended a total of 10 meetings, but management is still refusing to give in to their demands, he said.
“They have no counter-proposals…In those 10 meetings, they give the same story,” Anduiza said.
He said FASAP already informed PAL last July 27 of plans to go on strike.
He stressed flight attendants’ morale has also suffered due to the issues affecting pilots.
Anduiza said PAL only has to blame itself for its labor woes. –Ira Pedrasa,
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Accept National Unity Government
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Monthly Observances:
Women’s Role in History Month
Weekly Observances:
Week 1: Environmental Week
Women’s Week
Week 3: Philippine Industry and Made-in-the-Philippines
Products Week
Last Week: Protection and Gender-Fair Treatment
of the Girl Child Week
Daily Observances:
March 8: Women’s Rights and
International Peace Day;
National Women’s Day
Mar 4— Employee Appreciation Day
Mar 15 — World Consumer Rights Day
Mar 18 — Global Recycling Day
Mar 21 — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Mar 23 — International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
Mar 25 — International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Mar 27 — Earth Hour