Good-govt advocates divided on 100 days

Published by rudy Date posted on October 9, 2010

Although various sectors of society have given President Benigno Aquino 3rd high marks for his first 100 days in office, at least one group said that he could have done more during that period.

During a town-hall style forum organized by Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance in Quezon City on Friday, representatives from the youth, farmer and local government sectors evaluated President Aquino’s performance and gave suggestions on what his administration should attend to in the immediate future.

The movement espouses good governance and reforms.

Kai Pastores, who represents Kaya Natin! Youth, said that their assessment found the President to be an “honor student” and that he could be an excellent one by the end of his term in 2016.

Pastores said that Kaya Natin! Youth thought that Mr. Aquino should revisit his appointments of government officials and the proposal to add two years to basic education.

Her group recommended that the President reconsider some of those appointments if he wants to save his administration from losing the people’s trust.

“We noticed how friendly the President is to his friends that even if they are being linked to jueteng and among those being blamed in the botched hostage rescue, they still refuse to resign,” Pastores said.

She, apparently, was referring to Interior Undersecretary Rico Puno, who had been accused of receiving payoffs from jueteng, an illegal numbers game, and also apparently to Mayor Alfredo Lim of Manila, one of political and police officials blamed for failing to save the lives of eight Chinese tourists from Hong Kong who were held hostage in Manila on August 23.

Young Filipinos, according to Pastores, are not in favor of the additional two years in basic education.

She suggested that the government instead focus on improving the quality of the education program at present and the lives of the poor.

Pastores said that two years more to basic education would be an additional burden to poor parents and would further make it difficult for the poor to have their children even finish basic education.

Arnel Cassanova, the representative of Asia Society Philippines, said that it was premature to rate the President at this time.

What is more important, he added, was for Mr. Aquino to let everyone know what direction the nation is taking.

“The Aquino administration has faced serious challenges in its first 100 days and the President must make this an opportunity to show to the people how he can put this country back on its feet,” Cassanova said.

He raised during the forum the administration’s supposed lack of policy on foreign relations.

This shortcoming must be addressed, according to Cassanova, considering that there are 10 million Filipinos working overseas.

Speaking on behalf of the local government sector, Mayor Gloria Congco of Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, described Mr. Aquino as a sincere and honest leader who is worth supporting.

Raul Socrates Banzuela of the Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka agreed but called on the President to resolve the issue surrounding Hecienda Luisita, a sugar estate owned by the Aquino family. –Jefferson Antiporda Reporter, Manila Times

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