Women’s group PCW supports Aquino on family planning

Published by rudy Date posted on October 7, 2010

MANILA, Philippines—The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) has expressed support to President Aquino’s stand on family planning and responsible parenthood.

In a statement released recently, the PCW said frequent and unplanned pregnancies take a debilitating toll on women’s health.

It cited a report from the Department of Health showing that 11 mothers die every day due to pregnancy and childbirth-related complications.

PCW said it is the obligation of the government, as primary duty-bearer, to provide all means to help women, men and couples, especially among the poor, plan the number and spacing of their children at the same time provide for education and jobs.

It added that it respects the Catholic Church’s view on family planning, but as the national machinery for women’s empowerment and gender equality, it said they are bound to protect women’s rights. –Philippine Daily Inquirer

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