Problem on Filipino streetchildren threatens MDG attainment – study

Published by rudy Date posted on November 3, 2010

THE large number of Filipino children living on the streets threatens the Philippines’ ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals, according to a joint study conducted by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

“Street children are everywhere, especially in urban areas. And sadly, they include children as young as four years old or even younger,” noted the study, titled “Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities: Philippines.”

It warned that “if not properly addressed, the proliferation of street children poses a threat to the attainment of the country’s MDGs, particularly MDGs 2, 4 and 6,” relating to universal primary education, reducing the child mortality rate and combating AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases.

“While it is true that government and non-government organizations have done much work in this regard, street children have become a regular sight, especially in urban areas such as Metro Manila,” the study said.

The Millennium Development Goals are eight international development goals that all 192 member states of the United Nations and at least 23 international organizations have pledged to achieve by the year 2015.

The eight-fold goals are to: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality rates; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease epidemics; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development.

Government estimates place the country’s street children population at three percent of children aged 17 and below. In 2002, there were an estimated 246,011 street children all over the country. /INQUIRER, Cebu Daily News

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