25% increase in HIV patient seen in RP

Published by rudy Date posted on January 28, 2011

Persons suffering from HIV/AIDS increased rapidly by 25 percent for this year in the Phillippines according to an international expert Steve Kraus of the UNAIDS Regional Support for Asia and the Pacific in meeting with Catholic bishops to discuss role of Christian faith in fighting the dreaded infection.

Catholic bishops simultaneously wore red ribbon lapel pins yesterday as they pledged a proactive role in the fight against HIV/AIDS and prevent discrimination against those living with the disease.

“The Church has made remarkable things in all parts of the world and these include the years of prevention, treatment, support and care for the people living with HIV,” Kraus said.

“Here in the Philippines, it is crucial and logical that you work closely with the Church… this is a good sign that we will intensify our collaboration and work even close together.”

Kraus said the four-hour meeting at the Pope Pius XII Center in Manila “was significant” and no debate on controversial issue such as condom use. “It is more about acceptance of people infected or living with HIV,” Kraus said.

“They reviewed the Church’s teachings and the work that is already on going and looked for ways to strengthen and intensify their work on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support,” he said.

Kraus said it’s high time to “speak on” about the epidemic because what drives the disease at present is “stigma and discrimination.”

He said “conflict” should be set aside and focus must be given on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and caring for the victims.

By promoting community solidarity, the UNAIDS official said, the Church can prevent new HIV infections and ensure that those infected are treated with dignity and respect.

“We have to welcome people living with HIV into our homes and into our parishes so that we can better understand their world and for them to understand our world,” Kraus said.

“We can work together toward a supportive commitment toward life, dignity of human being and compassion to those who are living with HIV.”

The Church’s response to HIV/AIDS has sometimes been hindered by issues such as prevention methods, including condom use in a country where AIDS cases are on the rise.

“In Asia and the Pacific there are two countries where we’ve seen 25 percent increase in HIV new infections and one of those countries is the Philippines,” Kraus said.

Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo said their coordination with the UNAIDS does not mean the church also encourages the use of condoms in combating the spread of the disease.

While the church, he said, considers that condom use would morally justifiable in “certain cases,” it is not the main solution to the “behavioral problem.”

“Our support is selective which means to say we’ll help in raising awareness to the people, and address stigma and discrimination,” said Lagdameo, former president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

“We will not join in the promotion of condom use it will just worsen the problem. It we want to address it, it should be a long term solution which is behavioral change.” –Pat C. Santos, Daily Tribune

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