DoLE chief creates measures for graft-free labor services

Published by rudy Date posted on February 9, 2011

To ensure graft-free delivery of services to workers, employers, and other stakeholders, both locally and overseas, Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz creates tripartite Efficiency and Integrity Boards (EIBs) which will lead all offices and attached agencies (AAs) of the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) in the drive against graft and corruption.

The Labor chief issued Department Order No. 109, series of 2011, providing for the involvement of labor and management in the establishment and operation of the National Tripartite Efficiency and Integrity Board (NTEIB) as well as tripartite EIBs at the DoLE central office (CO), 16 regional offices (ROs), and 12 AAs.

She said the EIBs include representation from labor and management sectors. This is in line with our efforts to prevent graft and corruption and ensure integrity and efficiency in the delivery of DoLE services and programs to the public, especially to workers and employers,” Baldoz said as she called on workers, employers, and other stakeholders to report to the boards any hints of graft and corruption that they may encounter or have knowledge of in any of its DoLE’s office, bureau, or agency.

“The NTEIB and EIBs, with the involvement of the tripartite partners, will immediately conduct appropriate investigation based on complaints involving graft and corruption in the DoLE,” Baldoz said, stressing that DoLE personnel found violating anti-graft and corruption laws, including sexual harassment, will be meted penalty ranging from six months and one day suspension to dismissal from the service.

Meanwhile, the DoLE C0 tripartite EIB will spearhead the promotion of efficiency and integrity of its employees and officials, reformulate a comprehensive Integrity Development Action Plan (IDAP), and monitor strict observance of the Code of Conduct for DoLE officials and employees, which specifies anti-corruption measures.

The DoLE CO tripartite EIB has jurisdiction over seven services which are Administrative, Legal, Planning, Internal Audit, Human Resource and Development, Financial and Management, and the Labor Communications Office.

The other six bureaus are Working Conditions, Labor Relations, Local Employment, Labor and Employment Statistics, Workers with Special Concerns, and International Labor Affairs; and Philippine Overseas Labor Offices in 38 locations overseas.

The DoLE RO tripartite EIBs in 16 regions nationwide will also promote efficiency and integrity, and monitor strict observance of the Code of Conduct for DoLE officials and employees in their respective regional, provincial, and field offices.

As, on the other hand, have latitude in determining the composition of their EIBs in view of respective agency’s organizational set up. However, agency EIB should cover stakeholders’ representation. Mina Diaz, Daily Tribune

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