Cops face economic abuse complaints

Published by rudy Date posted on March 15, 2011

CEBU, Philippines – A number of policemen in the region were accused of economic abuse by their wives or live-in partners for their alleged failure to provide financial support.

Data given by the Complaint Referral Action Center shows 102 complaints from 2007 until 2009 against 52 PO1s. For 2010 the number reached 199 complaints against 90 policemen.

After seeing an increase in complaints, Chief Insp. Enrique Belciña, vice president of the Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere urged wives and partners of policemen to raise their concerns to the Police Regional Office-7 office.

Belciña explained that most policemen involved are those who are assigned in provinces far from their families.

“Posible nga makakita og lain unya makalimot na sa sustento sa pamilya,” he said.

In 2007, there were only 18 complaints, in 2008 there were 35, there were 49 in 2009 and 97 in 2010. All were settled through salary assignments or monthly financial support.

Complainants are advised to go for mediation in the Women and Children Protection Desk before filing a case in the court.

Senior Supt. Louie Oppus, Deputy Regional Director for Operations said the reports cannot affect the moral values of the PNP as long as it will not affect their capabilities.

“If we are to look in the positive way, there is a feedback mechanism,” Oppus said.

Support cases are private matters between couples, WCPD can only mediate but cannot force the policeman to assume his obligations unless the wife files a case in court.    (FREEMAN NEWS)

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