Electronics sector takes a hit from costlier fuel

Published by rudy Date posted on March 12, 2011

RISING global fuel prices resulting from unrest in Northern Africa and the Middle East are jacking up the costs of local electronics exporters, according to the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Inc. (SEIPI).

In a press conference, Dan Lachica, SEIPI chairman, on Friday said that prices of raw materials have risen by a tenth since tensions in the Middle East began. Raw material costs comprise up to 70 percent of semiconductor and electronics exporters’ costs, he said.

But Philippine-based electronics firms don’t export to the Middle East so they are far from the risk of potential losses because of the upheaval there, said Ernesto Santiago, SEIPI president.

Latest government data showed that electronics exports in January reached $2.142 billion, up 5.31 percent year-on-year but down 5.05 percent month-on-month.

Electronics accounted for about 61 percent of total Philippine exports.

Semiconductor and electronics exports this year are expected to grow by a tenth to about $34 billion from the highest-ever $31.1 billion posted last year.

The six-year industry roadmap targets $50-billion worth of exports by 2016. –Ben Arnold O. De Vera, Reporter, Manila Times

Short URL: http://www.manilatimes.net/?p=7335

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