Government releases P251.6 million for Muslim education

Published by rudy Date posted on July 14, 2011

MANILA, Philippines – The government has released a total of P251.6 million to the Department of Education (DepEd) for the nationwide implementation of the Madrasah Education Program, which aims to enhance educational development of Filipino Muslims.

Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said the release is in line with President Aquino’s commitment to “uplift the standard of education of Filipinos in order for the country to move forward.”

“Education is the central strategy of the administration for investing in the people and enhancing their opportunity to gain meaningful employment,” Abad said in a statement.

He added that there is a “need to mainstream and institutionalize Madrasah education as part of the national system of basic education to promote lasting peace.”

The Madrasah Education Program has three components – Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) in public schools, ALIVE for Muslim out of school youths and adults, and assistance to private madaris.

ALIVE classes are now being implanted in 893 public elementary schools nationwide.

Some P173.2 million out of the P251.6 million is allocated to the DepEd Office of the Secretary Proper, while the remaining P78.350 million will be released directly to the different schools division offices to cover the allowances of Asatidz (Muslim teachers).

Asatidz, under the Madrasah Education Program, have undergone training to raise the quality of delivery of ALIVE subjects.

A total of 1,567 Asatidz passed the training in school year 2010-2011 and were deployed in ALIVE classes with a monthly allowance of P5,000.

Likewise, in line with the DepEd’s policy to decongest public schools by providing support to private institutions, financial assistance to 39 private madaris have been granted since school year 2008-2009 with the amount of P5,000 per student.

Abad noted that there is a P48.4-million difference from the original fund request of DepEd of P300 million.

The amount is supposed to cover the allowances for new Asatidz that still have to be hired by DepEd. He clarified that the Department of Budget and Management is now releasing the fund request based on actual requirements of the agency for its filled positions. –Delon Porcalla (The Philippine Star)

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