Philippines losing fight vs. Poverty

Published by rudy Date posted on November 16, 2011

The Philippines is nearly a decade behind in achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of reducing poverty incidence by half in 2015, according to the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB).

“With a very slight increase in poverty incidence among population between 2006 and 2009, the probability in 2009 remained ‘medium,’” Romulo Virola, NSCB secretary general, said.

In 2003, the probability of achieving the poverty incidence target was “high,” but this has gone down to a “medium” probability in 2006.

In 2009, the Philippines was 8.4 years behind the path to target.

“This means that the performance of the Philippines in terms of halving poverty incidence among population in 2009 should have been our performance 8.4 years ago,” Virola said.

“We say that the overarching concern of our government is poverty reduction… However, despite all the noble MDG efforts to halve poverty by 2015, unacceptably many people continue to live in poverty,” he added.

In terms of achieving the targets of education, the Philippines is behind the target by 17.2 years for net enrollment ration in primary education; 8.5 years, proportion of pupils starting Grade one who reach Grade six; 10.2 years, primary completion rate; and 9.1 years,  literacy rate of 15 to 24 years old.

“After 21 years, we are still way behind the targets on education How can they compete against their peers from other nations, especially now in an era of knowledge-based economies?” Virola said.

The country would have a “high” probability of achieving the target for eliminating gender disparity in primary education and share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector.

“Gender disparities in terms of participation of girls and boys in secondary education are still expected to persist until 2015,” Virola said.

The Philippines is also 3.5 years and 3.9 years behind the path to targets on under-five and infant mortality rates.

In terms of maternal mortality, the country has a “low” probability of reducing it by three-quarters, between 1990 and 2015.

The goal of reversing the incidence of malaria has a “high” probability of achieving the target.
In addition, the Philippines has “high” probability in achieving environmental sustainability. –Darwin G. Amojelar, Manila Times

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