26 stress busters

Published by rudy Date posted on July 31, 2012

Stress has many causes but no matter what its source is, there are ways to reduce it.

For this article, the term “stress” refers only to a stress with significant negative consequences, or “distress” in the terminology advocated by Hans Selye.

There are many practical stress management techniques available for self-help, which may help an individual to reduce stress, provide positive feelings of being in control of one’s life and promote general well-being.

Here are 26 practical and simple ways to reduce stress at home and at the workplace.

1. Deep breathing exercises. This was what I did when I discovered the failed attempt to open our garage gate this morning. This is what I do whenever I feel tense and this is what I teach my patients to do to relieve their stress. Inhale and exhale 10 to 15 times; inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Doing this with your eyes closed is preferable and you should be seated or lying down in a comfortable position.

2. Do something to divert your attention from a stressful thought. For example, brush your hair or stroke the head of your dog.

3. Do not isolate yourself. Learn to verbalize your feelings to others.

4. Hydrate your body. Drink at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of mineral water a day. This practice will cleanse your body of toxins.

5. Learn to laugh and joke.

6. Keep a daily journal. This is helpful, especially if people at work are busy or the people at home are out of the house.

7. Be conscious that as a human being, you are not perfect. Don’t be angry at yourself. It’s all right if you make mistakes once in a while.

8. Wear comfortable clothes and footwear. Don’t be too much of a fashionista. If you need to do a lot of moving at the work place, the right kind of attire will make you concentrate better in your task.

9. Learn to structure your activities and be more organized. This will make life less stressful and will definitely increase your level of productivity.

10. Learn to say no to additional tasks that will make you feel pressured at home or at work.

11. Stop being a worrier for things that might happen in the future. Focus on the here and now.

12. Schedule a day for you to relax. (After I submit this article, this is what I intend to do at Crowne Plaza Hotel.)

13. Maintain your lines of communication with family and friends. With online networks like Skype, Magic Jack, Facebook, Twitter, etc., even a senior citizen can chat with loved ones abroad. Knowing that they are doing well and in good health will lessen your anxiety about their safety.

14. Learn to de-clog your closet.

15. Learn to be less rigid. Be more verbally expressive of your feelings.

16. Do not delay expression of frustration or anger. Express your anger early to the person involved the moment you feel slighted. Non-expression of anger may lead to impulsive acts of rage.

17. List down your priorities and a schedule of target dates to achieve these priorities. Having a vision-mission will help you attain a path of success.

18. Remember that it’s okay to cry when you are in grief or in a situation of great frustration. Release of feelings will lessen your tension.

19. Remember, too, that praying is a good coping activity.

20. Always do things in moderation. Overdoing anything can be stressful.

21. Learn to value yourself and be proud of yourself.

22. Don’t be too assuming. It is all right to talk about your fears. It is all right to ask questions since you may not know everything.

23. Learn to weigh things and explore options before arriving at a decision.

24. Eat the right kind of food and do physical exercises to remain healthy. A physically healthy person will be in a better position to face emotional stress.

25. Keep your feet on the ground and make realistic and attainable goals.

26. Reward yourself when a goal is achieved. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage or spa. –Dr. Nina Halili-Jao The Philippine Star

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