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Published by rudy Date posted on July 3, 2012

The following are the achievements of the President after 2 years:

1. He has maintained a clean record without a taint of corruption.

2. The K to 12 program has been started with kindergarten now fully implemented.

3. He filed cases against GMA and got her detained.

4. He engineered the impeachment of Chief Justice Corona.

5. He improved our relationship with the United States, especially President Barack Obama.

6. He has gotten full control of Congress, thru a generous use of PDAP or pork barrel funds.

7. He released P39 billion for CCT and listed 3.1 million beneficiaries.

8. He attained a modest success in rice production.

9. He released P72 billion for infrastructure with DPWH concentrating on national roads.

10. He repatriated thousands of OFWs from the Middle East.

11. He has started the upgrade of the AFP.

* * *


1. He has failed to stop the illegal drug trade.

2. The anti-poverty program has not taken off with the Labor Sector saying they are worse off now and the number of self-rated poor Filipinos still at 51%.

3. Illegal logging and illegal mining is flourishing with the obvious collusion of government agencies.

4. There’s an ongoing crime wave with thousands killed by riding in tandem assassins and kidnapping is on the rise from Manila to Sulu. Extrajudicial killings continue.

5. Lack of potable drinking water is still a fact of life in 30% of the country.

6. Brownouts led by the power crisis in Mindanao remain a problem.

7. Corruption in the Bureau of Customs, PNP, DENR, DOTC, NFA, and other offices still ongoing.

8. CBCP authorities complain of the lack of priority for agrarian reform.

9. New York based Human Rights Watch said little has been done to arrest perpetrators of human rights violations noting the case of Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan who remains at large.

10. BIR and BOC have failed to achieve their revenue targets.

11. Relations with China has deteriorated. –Ernesto M. Maceda (The Philippine Star)

January 24 –
International Day of Education

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Invoke Article 33 of the ILO constitution
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to carry out the 2021 ILO Commission of Inquiry recommendations
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Accept National Unity Government
(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!

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