Handwashing saves children’s lives – unicef

Published by rudy Date posted on October 11, 2012

AT least 5,000 Filipino children under the age of five die every year of diseases spread through dirty hands, according to an official of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).

Worldwide, about 3.5 million children lose their lives because of these preventable diseases.

Timothy Grieve, chief of Water Sanitation and Hygiene Section of Unicef, said in the Fifth year celebration of the Global Handwashing Day that Filipino children aged five and below are exposed to harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea and respiratory ailments.

The Global Handwashing Day is an advocacy that aims to create global awareness on the importance of handwashing. It is observed on October 15.

Children can pick up germs while playing or by touching contaminated objects.

In the Philippines, Grieve said that diarrhea is the second leading cause of death among children aged one month to five years.

He said that many Filipino children are still infected by intestinal worms for lack of sanitation.

Grieve said that this year’s theme “clean hands saves lives” is indeed relevant in the face of the recent flooding that affected Metro Manila and some parts of the country.

He also cited the important role of the private sector in keeping up a healthy life among children.

The Unicef, together with the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing, has teamed up with private companies such as Unilever Philippines to spread the advocacy of washing hands.

Chito Macapagal, Unilever’s vice president for corporate affairs, said that the advocacy also aims to make handwashing a habit for every Filipino.

On Wednesday, school children in Sitio Una, Brgy. Fort Bonifacio in Taguig City were taught the proper way to wash their hands.

According to research, the simple act of washing hands with soap can reduce the risk of diarrhea and respiratory tract infections by nearly half.

The simple act of hand washing with soap before eating, before handling food, after using the toilet, after handling pets and after playtime is an effective and affordable way to prevent potentially deadly diseases among children, Unicef said. –RITCHIE A. HORARIO AND NEIL ALCOBER REPORTERS, Manila Times

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