Philippines climbs in global ranking for competitiveness, but WEF warns against complacency

Published by rudy Date posted on September 4, 2013

MANILA – (UPDATE 2, 3:57 p.m.) The Philippines climbed six notches in a World Economic Forum (WEF) survey that ranks countries based on how competitive they are in attracting business.

In its Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, the WEF ranked the Philippines in 59th place among 148 countries included in the survey. This was an improvement from last year when the Philippines ranked 65th.

The Philippines however still trailed three other emerging economies in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Malaysia and Thailand climbed a notch each to 24th and 37th place, respectively.

Indonesia however jumped 12 notches from 50th last year to 38th this year.

Switzerland kept its stature as the world’s most competitive nation, followed by Singapore and Finland. –

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