DOH exec: If RH Law is junked, implementation still on

Published by rudy Date posted on February 18, 2014

MANILA, Philippines – A Department of Health (DOH) official admitted that the contents of the controversial Reproductive Health Law can still be implemented by the agency even without the measure.

Doctor Ruben Siapno, DOH National Capital Region assistant regional director, said in a recent media conference that family planning services can still be provided even if the Supreme Court decides that the law is unconstitutional.

“We will still provide maternal health care and other services and also [educate] the parents how to care for their children, parenting and all these things. So this is the most important part of the Reproductive Health Law,” he said.

Asked why the RH Law matters, Siapno explained that it allows more funding to be earmarked for contraceptives and instruction of young people on sexual health.

“We currently have limitations kasi. We can only provide for the maternal needs of women but with the RH Law we can prepare even the children,” Siapno said in a radio report.

“It is important that children be ready in case and be aware what to do,” he added.

The divisive measure, signed by President Benigno Aquino III, is currently under an indefinite status quo ante or halt order pending the high tribunal’s decision on 14 petitions questioning its legality. –Camille Diola (

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