Most Pinoys won’t get into same sex relationship – SWS

Published by rudy Date posted on February 15, 2014

MANILA, Philippines – Most Filipinos do not see themselves entering into a relationship with someone of the same sex, according to a recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

The SWS poll, conducted from Dec. 11 to 16 last year, found 91 to 98 percent of men and women saying there is “no possibility” that they will get into a same sex relationship.

Only two percent of Filipino women and one percent of men see a “big possibility” that they will enter into a same sex relationship, the SWS said.

Among men, the dominant opinion in all areas was that there is definitely no possibility of being in a same sex relationship: 97 percent in Metro Manila, 96 percent in balance Luzon, 95 percent in Mindanao and 93 percent in the Visayas.

Among women, 98 percent in Metro Manila, 97 percent in balance Luzon, 93 percent in Mindanao and 91 percent in the Visayas totally rejected same sex relationship.

On the other hand, male respondents who belong to class E have the highest likelihood of being in a same sex relationship.

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“While the dominant opinion among both men and women, regardless of socio-economic class, was that there is definitely no possibility of being in a same sex relationship, men in class E had the highest likelihood of being in such relationship,” the SWS noted.

Among men, those who said there is definitely no possibility of being in a same sex relationship was highest in class D at 97 percent, followed by class ABC at 95 percent and class E at 89 percent.

Among women, the probability of being in a same sex relationship did not vary by class. Women who said there is definitely no possibility ranged from 95 to 99 percent, zero to four percent see some possibility and zero to three percent see big possibility.

May-December affair

Meanwhile, the same survey showed that 13 percent of adult Filipinos say there is a “big possibility” that they will be in a relationship with a much older person if they are unattached.

Six in 10 Filipinos or 64 percent, on the other hand, said there is “definitely no possibility” they will enter into a May-December affair.

Most of the respondents in all areas said there is definitely no possibility of being in a relationship with a much older person: 67 percent in Metro Manila, 66 percent in the Visayas, 65 percent in balance Luzon and 56 percent in Mindanao.

Those who see big possibility of being in a May-December relationship was 18 percent in Mindanao, 14 percent in the Visayas, 12 percent in Metro Manila and 11 percent in balance Luzon.

The possibility of being in a May-December relationship was least among class ABC, compared to classes D and E, the SWS said. –Helen Flores (The Philippine Star)

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