Time management tips for students

Published by rudy Date posted on June 29, 2014

A successful student is someone who knows how to manage their most critical resource i.e. time. So, here are a few time management strategies to help you in becoming a good student by managing time:

1. Work time:

Always try to assess how long each task will take and how much energy and schedule the activity when you do your best work. Simply know yourself and manage your work routine accordingly.

2. Stay Healthy:

Always give your body and mind its best chance at top performance. Perform healthy activities like regular exercise. Make sure to keep a good night’s sleep a priority. When switching between subjects, walking helps clear your mind and reset your brain for new activities.

3. Flexibility Building:

You can consider an online college for its scheduling flexibility because an online program allows a student to control when, where and how they take classes and study. No matter where you choose to go to college.

4. Let Little Things Add up

In student’s life there are always small tasks that need to be done on a daily basis. Like scheduling a meeting with an academic advisor, reviewing notes from class, editing a paper or even reading a few pages of your required reading. All these small things can be accomplished in the spaces between your more pressing commitments.

5. Always Know when it’s Survival Time:

Exam time is when a planned imbalance is essential. So, always schedule outside appointments during other times of the semester and prepare your friends and family appropriately. Always let them know finals are coming up so they can plan accordingly and give you the space you need.

6. Always Know when it’s Celebration Time:

Always be sure to celebrate milestones and acknowledge a job well done, which could include a successful exam or the submission of a paper and getting a good grade in a college course or the completion of a semester.

7. Compromise:

Remember there’s just not enough time to get things done exactly the way you want it done. Like sometimes you need to trade in excellence for efficiency and sometimes you need to know when good enough is good enough? Always remember you won’t be judged by one project alone and learning is a cumulative process.

– See more at: http://en.docsity.com/news/exams-and-study/time-management-tips-students/#sthash.rCdloyvC.dpuf

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