By Joseph Jovellanos
25 May 2014, Manila. –SMP-NATOW (Samahang Manggagawang Pilipino – National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers) held its 13th National Convention and 43rd founding anniversary on 25-27 May 2013 in Manila, with the theme “United, Great, and Free”.
Some 180 leaders and members from various education institutions and offices all over the country, representing 27 unions attended the program.
Six representatives from local nd international fraternal organizations participated in the convention’s opening at the Jade Palace, Pasig City. Among them were TUCP President and former Senator Ernesto Herrera, EI Asia Pacific Coordinator Rey Dolot, BWAP President and former DOLE Secretary Ruben Torres, PFL President Alejandro Villaviza, and VOICE Director Angelita Señorin.
Solidarity and congratulatory messages from Vice President Jejomar Binay, Senator Grace Poe Lamansares, and Swedish Teachers’ Union International Secretary Martin Carlstedt were read.
Business meetings and round table discussions were held on the second and third day at the Richville Hotel, Mandaluyong City. The delegates discussed the impact of the ASEAN Community Integration of 2015 on Teachers; RA 10533, otherwise known as the K+12 Law; the Role of Trade Unions in the Promotion of Quality Education; and the Role of Women in Trade Unions and Education.
The following resolutions and action agenda were adopted:
Resolution No. 2014-01 on the ASEAN Community Economic Integration 2015 and Global Citizenship Education, mandating SMP-NATOW to empower its member affiliates in protecting the right to quality education through (1) seminars and trainings on ASEAN Competency-based occupational standards to equip member-teachers with the desired teaching competencies – Knowledge, Skills, Attitude, Values/Dispositions (KSAVDs); (2) working closely with the government on research and development to advance professional competitiveness of all ASEAN member nations; (3) ensuring the full implementation by the government and employers of the quality education of learners and the protection of trade union rights and privileges of teachers and other academic personnel; and (4) urging the government to protect migrant workers particularly teachers and education workers.
Resolution No. 2014-02 on Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as “The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, mandating SMP-NATOW to adopt measures that will minimize the negative effects of the implementation of the abovementioned law on tertiary faculty members and personnel by (1) encouraging all local affiliates to put provisions in their respective CBA for the protection of teaching and non-teaching personnel against the adverse impact of K+12; (2) seminars, workshops, and training in coordination with TESDA to qualify concerned member-teachers to teach in junior and senior high school; and (3) crafting modules for skills development in collaboration with TESDA.
Resolution No. 2014-03 on the Unite for Quality Education Campaign of the Education International calling for a Better Quality Education for a Better World, mandating SMP-NATOW to promote quality education by (1) Integrating mandatory provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement of its affiliates; (2) actively participating in various conventions, conferences and gatherings conducted for educational reforms and legislation; and (3) sustaining dynamic linkages with national and international federations/organizations which are working for the promotion of quality education.
Mandatory provisions in CBA will include (a) alignment of teaching assignment with specialization of teachers; (b) allocation of budget for faculty development; (c) system of selection for participants in training; (d) implementation of maximum teaching load, inclusive of other assignments; whereby excess units will be compensated accordingly; (e) setting of manageable class size with due consideration of the physical structure of the school; (f) involvement of teachers in the evaluation and selection of instructional resources and materials; and (g) appropriation of budget for the provision and maintenance of physical facilities based on corresponding fees collected from students.
Resolution No. 2014-04 on Women Empowerment, mandating SMP-NATOW to empower its members-teachers, especially women by (1) creating institutional and functional Women’s Committee with at least a chairperson and sectoral representatives that will plan, assess and monitor women-related concerns; (2) capacity building seminars and training on women empowerment; and (3) continuously working hand-in-hand with local and international partners in promoting women’s welfare.
Dr. Joseph Jovellanos and Sis. Milagros DC Ogalinda were given fresh mandates as President and General Secretary, respectively, from 2014 to 2018.
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Accept National Unity Government
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Daily Observances:
March 8: Women’s Rights and
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Mar 18 — Global Recycling Day
Mar 21 — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Mar 23 — International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
Mar 25 — International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Mar 27 — Earth Hour