SWS: Satisfaction with gov’t dipped

Published by rudy Date posted on January 11, 2017

Philippine Daily Inquirer, January 11, 2017

Net satisfaction with the general performance of the Duterte administration declined in the fourth quarter of 2016, dropping across areas and economic classes.

This was revealed in the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey, which also showed that the administration posted lower net satisfaction ratings on its human rights and anticriminality platforms amid widespread criticism of its all-out war against illegal drugs.

Nationwide, SWS found that 73 percent of 1,500 adult respondents were satisfied with the Duterte administration, while 12 percent were dissatisfied and 15 percent undecided.

The latest figures yielded a “very good” net satisfaction rating (satisfied minus dissatisfied) of +61, or 5 points lower from +66 (75-percent satisfied minus 8-percent dissatisfied, correctly rounded) score in September which SWS also rated as “very good.”

Conducted on Dec. 3-6, the Fourth Quarter Social Weather Survey had a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.

Results of the same survey released last month showed that 81 percent had “much trust” in President Duterte, 9 percent had “little trust” and 10 percent were undecided. It yielded an “excellent” net trust score of +72, 4 points down from +76 (83-percent much trust minus 8-percent little trust) he obtained in September.

By area, net satisfaction scores of the administration dipped 13 points in Metro Manila (+53 from +66), 4 points in the rest of Luzon (+56 from +60) and Visayas (+58 from +62) and barely unchanged in Mindanao (+78 from +81).

By class, it remained unchanged among Class E (+62) and barely unchanged among ABC (+55 from +58) but declined 7 points among D (+61 from +68).

In addressing national issues, the Duterte administration posted lower net satisfaction ratings on fighting crimes (+50 from +58) and promoting human rights (+56 from +63), including fighting terrorism (+41 from +55), eradicating graft and corruption (+45 from +57), reconciling with Muslim rebels (+33 from +42), reconciling with communist rebels (+30 from +39), fighting inflation (+25 from +33) and ensuring that no family will ever be hungry (+34 from +37).

It improved in addressing national issues on ensuring an efficient transport system (+48 from +39), foreign relations (+46 from +39), providing jobs (+51 from +46), helping the poor (+66 from +63), defending territorial rights (+54 from +53) and developing science and technology (+50 from +49).

SWS included for the first time the national issues on solving extrajudicial killings and recovering the ill-gotten wealth of Marcos family, which had 40-percent and 24-percent satisfaction scores, respectively.

SWS considers a rating of +70 and above excellent; +50 to +69, very good; +30 to +49, good; +10 to +29, moderate; +9 to -9, neutral; -10 to -29, poor; -30 to -49, bad; -50 to -69, very bad; and -70 and below, execrable. —RAFAEL L. ANTONIO, INQUIRER RESEARCH

Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/861240/sws-satisfaction-with-govt-dipped#ixzz4VPyVKHle
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