How will the animals fare In year of the Fire rooster?

Published by rudy Date posted on January 26, 2017

By Elvira Manash, BusinessMirror, Jan. 26, 2017

HOW that we’re done with the general outlook on how 2017 might shape up, no doubt you’re excited—and, perhaps, not a little bit anxious—to know what the Year of the Fire Rooster has in store for you specifically. v Gather round, all you Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig people. Read on….


Although there is Windfall Luck brought about by the Heavenly Star, the Rat’s energy is weak, according to feng shui expert Marites Allen. The Rat will be in conflict with the earthly branch of the Tai Sui, also known as the Grand Commander of the year. This conflict may result in losses and damage. Overall, 2017 for Rats is an active year that will encourage ideas, opportunities and resourcefulness.

Rooster years bring Peach Blossom Luck for the Rats. To make 2017 a good year for the Rats, it is recommended for them to frequently attend happy celebrations, such as birthdays and weddings. Things will be much better if Rat people were planning their own 2017 wedding.

Despite the conflict with the Tai Sui, Rats will be blessed with Windfall Luck, as well as auspicious stars. Thus, Rats will not suffer serious financial loss so long as they avoid borrowing money and steer away from gambling.

However, the busy day-to-day activities may soon take its toll on the Rat’s health and leave him burned-out. Rats would do well to strike a balance between work and play in order to achieve his goals.

Those who want to enhance their skills, or are considering a shift in careers, may use this year to consider further studies or learning a new skill, while those looking for a change should consider working in the service industry, or fields like media and public relations, or any retail industry connected to women, such as ladies apparel, shoes, cosmetics, beauty and perfumery.

Favorable months for the rat are February, May, July, September and November.

However, the months of February, June and November may also bring some challenges. They should also watch out for August and October, which will be the most difficult months.

Enhancers: Wear auspicious symbols or prints or the mantra ring to activate Heavenly luck. Also where the Victory Success Pendant and Mystic Knot Earrings for wealth. Also, they should call on the assistance of their allies by carrying the Allies Keyring.

Cures: Wear the Lucky Amulet bracelet for added strength and protection.


THOSE born in the Year of the Ox will experience an exciting year due to his special affiliation with the Rooster. There will be plenty of opportunities for career growth. However, this is tempered by the tendency to dwell on emotional weaknesses. Remaining open to changes and new experiences while balancing personal relationships is the key to solving this.

In addition, the Ox has the Earth Seal in its sector. The Earth Seal brings Divine protection from the Earth Deities and Goddesses. It allows the Ox to attract mentor and wealth luck and ensure smoothness in governance over all earthly affairs. It is especially useful to those working in the “earth” industry, such as property development, mining, real-estate negotiation, architecture, sculpture, construction, pet shop, or storage and warehousing.

Intimate relationships should flourish without fear of any external factor that could hinder intimacy. This is an excellent time to meet a new partner, while those who are already married can think happily of getting pregnant this year.

The Ox will enjoy unexpected opportunities regarding finances this year. They should take advantage of these opportunities as soon as they come. At the same time, they should set aside some of their earnings to hedge against untimely expenditures. Those who are experiencing financial setbacks will be able to bounce back as long as they work hard.

The Ox should pay particular attention to his health this year. Try engaging in activities that will not only renew energy but relieve stress, as well. He should also try not to be too sensitive when it comes to his office relationships in order to avoid getting hurt.

Be on the lookout for opportunities for new business this year.

Best months: March, April, May, July, September, December and January 2018.

Challenging months: February, June, November and most especially the months of August and October.

Enhancers: Wear Infinity Bangles to harness good earth luck.


THE Tiger-born can take advantage of any opportunity that will enhance his personal and work life, such as learning a new skill, attending seminars and trainings, and even his longtime dream of fulfilling academic pursuits.

Tigers will have a promising 2017 but will need determination and focus on commitments to making things run smoothly for them. Their creativity and strengths can be used to their advantage while they are out in the world trying to achieve their goals.

Chances in love and romance are very strong. Despite the challenges in this Rooster year, Tiger people still earn the support and sympathy of relatives, friends and colleagues at work. There will be good opportunities for the Tiger to travel and gain new insights as it deals with the hardships of the year.

Tiger people may suffer big financial losses if they do not curb their extravagant ways. They should learn to master the art of control and not engage in impulsive buying. Those who are in business should remain calm and levelheaded in order not to get distracted from their business objectives.

Health is likely to be a huge concern for Tigers this year, as a recurring illness or health issue will likely rear its ugly head, so to speak, once again.

Tigers should be properly armed as there will be stiff competition in the workplace this year, and politicking and jealousy will be strong. Tigers will encounter unperceived enemies around them and may be vulnerable to attacks on their reputations, especially when promotion is expected.

Best months: March, April, May, July, September, December, and January 2018.

Challenging months: February, June, October and November, but most especially the month of August.

n Enhancers: Harness good earth Luck by wearing Infinity bangles.


THIS year the Rabbit can expect to have a year of mixed blessings. While he is fortunate enough to enjoy the presence of the Prosperity Star in his sector, he also suffers from the presence of two afflicted stars—the Three Killings Star, which brings about three types of misfortune; and the Natural Disaster Star. In addition to being the conflict animal of the Rooster, it also sits directly opposite the Tai Sui, or God of the Year and risks encountering its wrath.

To counter all this negative energy, Rabbits should try to maintain good relationships and stay grounded. Be open to constructive criticism and see opportunities as they come. Staying low-key is the best strategy for Rabbits this year.

With the romance star making a strong presence this year, there is a strong opportunity for Rabbits to travel, get married, have a baby, get engaged, or enjoy academic success. Single Rabbits who are looking for love may find their perfect match in the workplace or at a social event. This match could even lead to marriage, which would be the perfect way to deflect the negative energy of the Tai Sui. A word of caution however: bringing your work into the bedroom may lead to disagreements and a breakup. So keep your work out of it.

As far as finances go, Rabbits should be careful and avoid making risky investments. A lawsuit involving money may threaten financial stability. However, Rabbits are hardworking in nature and have the potential to improve their finances. The appearance of the Prosperity Star in the East sector means powerful wealth luck will be coming his way, but it is up to him to take advantage of the opportunities.

Rabbits may be prone to accidents and illnesses this year. They can offset this by donating blood or helping out the sick.

Rabbits who are thinking of changing careers or resigning from their current jobs would do well to think twice before doing so, as this could mean reduced income. Make sure your position is secure in your new job before you jump ship. Also, be wary about loaning money to relatives or friends as the possibility of getting it back is low.

Best months: February, April, July, August, September and January.

Challenging months: March, May, June, October and November.

Enhancers: Activate the Prosperity Star in the East sector by placing the depictions of the Tree of Life or auspicious paintings of birds or coins. Placing wealth ships and gold ingots also helps.

Cures: Wear the Victory Medallion with Hum to overcome the Three Killings Star and display the Kalachakra painting or wear the Kegdok Amulet to counter the Natural Disaster Star.


DRAGONS are among the favored signs this year, what with the #9 Completion Star flying to its sector this year. Now is the time to aim high and make big plans, as lots of great opportunities will be coming his way. It is up to him to seize them.

Good fortune extends to the Dragon’s family and love life. Relationships are expected to be smooth and unproblematic, while married Dragons will enjoy a blissful and peaceful life with better fortune and improved wealth luck. Single Dragons will find plenty of opportunities to find their “one true love” this year, while those in relationships may just decide to take the plunge.

Finances for the Dragon will be very good this year. Those who work in a company can expect to have financial gains through a promotion increasing income. However, Dragons should refrain from gambling or making risky investments.

Dragons should also be extra cautious about their health. The 3 Killings Star may bring trouble when it comes to health, and may come in the form of a lingering cold, or a fever that comes and goes. These may lead to illnesses that could pose a more serious threat to their health.

As far as career is concerned, there is a good chance for promotion. Bosses will take notice of Dragon’s abilities and may be rewarded accordingly. Office life should be generally blissful for a Dragon, but he stands to double his luck in the wealth department if he goes into business.

Best months: April, May, June, August, October and December.

Challenging months: February, March, July, November but most especially the month of September.

Cures: Wear the Victory Medallion with Hum to overcome the 3 Killings Star.

Enhancers: Wear the lucky amulet bracelet and Allies bracelet to harness completion luck.


THE Snake will enjoy a very busy 2017, so he must learn to prioritize things and to not make any commitments. An opportunity for acquiring more wealth is highly possible, and there is an opportunity to travel and spend more time with the loved ones.

The Snake will feel like he’s the luckiest person in the love department. Snakes are naturally attractive people and will have many admirers. This will be a great advantage for the single and unattached Snake. The opportunity for the single Snake to meet the right one is very strong and the prospects are many. Snakes are not known to rush into things, including matters of the heart, though he will allow a romantic relationship with his partner to deepen overtime.

There’s a big possibility for financial losses in the year 2017. Money may easily slip through the Snake’s fingers if he continues to spend indiscriminately. With the 3 Killings hovering over his sector, he must learn to monitor his budget and stick to it.

It is wise for the Snake to minimize the negative influences of the 3 Killings Star by refraining from activities that would compromise his health. The desire of the Snake to try as many things as possible can place a huge toll on his health, as he may be prone to injuries. Consider safety first.

Changes in job location, career or profession will be good for the Snakes as long as they’re open to the idea.

Best months: March, May, August, September, October and December.

Challenging months: February, June, July but most especially the month of April and January 2018.

Cures: Wear the Victory Medallion with Hum to overcome the 3 Killings Star.

Enhancers: Wear Dragon-inspired or Tree of Life charms.


HORSES will be very, very busy this year, possibly leaving them a little time to enjoy life. Unfortunately, the dreaded 5-Yellow Misfortune Star, which flies to the South this year, will negatively affect the Horse. The best way to deflect its effects is to get necessary protection. The Year of the Rooster will bring conflict in the Horse’s intimate relationship. Those who are married or in a committed relationship will face challenges that could lead to a major crisis. Having regular communications and being honest with one another is the key for the Horse to keep his relationship working. There are a lot of opportunities to meet attractive people of the opposite sex for Horses this year, and those who are married should be careful not to get tempted, or get involved in an extramarital love affair. Better for him to spend more time with his family.

Wealth-wise, good fortune may be on the Horse’s side as opportunities will come at him from different directions, whether it’s work- or business-related. But finances due to a family member may also be a cause for concern. Saving money will be a wise option but would be deemed useless if expenses are piling up to support a family member in need. This is not a good year to seek loans.

Horses should be extra vigilant about their health since issues in the past may crop up again. It is best to have regular medical checkups and consultations in order to make sure that there is nothing to worry about health. Aside from their personal health, they may have to take charge of an elderly family member who requires special attention.

Changing jobs is not advisable at this point. Horses should consider their options carefully before making career decisions. This is not the time to be arrogant or prideful. Instead, Horses should show that they are team players in order to prevent jealousy in the workplace.

Best months: March, May, August, September, October and December.

Challenging months: February, June, July, but most especially the months of April and January 2018.

Enhancers: Wear the lucky amulet bracelet.

Cures: Place the 5-elements pagoda in the South sector to deflect the effects of the the 5-Yellow Misfortune Star.


TREMENDOUS new opportunities in business, career and even relationships await the Sheep-born this year.

They should remain focused on their work and exert extra effort to be rewarded. Everything will be fast-paced for the Sheep. This is no time for the Sheep to remain idle and take their time.

The Sheep will have their hands full attending various social events and parties. Such special pleasantries could lead to something deeper, which could make them fancy having an extramarital affair. The best thing for them if they’re married or are in a committed relationship is to keep some distance from the opposite sex and not to entertain any thoughts of getting close to them. Avoiding flirtation will prevent a relationship crisis and keep them from hurting the people that matter. Single Sheep will fare well in the romance department.

Only a lucky few Sheep-born people will be financially blessed this 2017. Promotions, bonuses or cash gifts could contribute to the increased income. Maintaining a tight budget will help Sheep avoid a financial crisis.

High levels of stress from work or home plus the inability to take time to relax will affect the Sheep’s health. Overfatigue, lack of sleep, improper diet, depression and anxiety may cause a myriad of diseases, including high blood pressure, nerve disorders, diabetes, back problems and obesity. Sheep-born people can benefit by taking some time off from work and spending more time doing things that can uplift their moods.

Sheep-born individuals may suffer from the effects of the Violence and Illness star, which resides in the Southeast corner this year.

Best months: March, June, July, August, October and December.

Challenging months: April, May, September, January but most especially the month of February.

Enhancers: Wear the Victory Success pendant, silver Allies and Friends keychain or bracelet, or infinity mantra bangle or accessories.

Cures: Wear the Anti-Violence keychain or PiYao necklace to overcome the 5-Yellow Misfortune Star.


THE Year of the Rooster will be a liberating year for the Monkey. With last year’s difficulties, brought about by the opposing Tai Sui, coming to an end, things can only get better in 2017. Changes will occur and luck will be on the Monkey’s side because there will be blessings that will come from an auspicious star, which will positively influence several aspects in the Monkey’s life. Expect positive things to come in terms of Monkey’s relationships, career and wealth aspects. The Monkey can now freely hope for the best and grab opportunities in 2017.

However, with the Violence and Burglary Star in his sector this year, the Monkey should be extra careful to guard against theft.

He can expect harmony and positivity in their interpersonal relationships. They will benefit from a more active social life and attract members of the opposite sex. All this could lead to some romantic relationships. Single monkeys will have the opportunity to nurture an intimate relationship anew, or a longtime acquaintance. Monkeys who are in love and in a committed relationship will enjoy a deeper relationship with their partners, maybe even leading to a wedding and a baby.

Finances for the Monkey are expected to be stable and there will be opportunities for increased income from either work or business. Monkeys who engage in sales and marketing will surely have some luck this year. Keeping a good relationship with subordinates or employees will result in a better working environment. Paying off debts and saving up for the future should be the Monkey’s goal this year.

The Monkey has to prioritize balance in his life in order to improve his overall health status. Tensions are expected to build up at work, that’s why the Monkey has to provide time for himself to recover. Monkeys will enjoy better relationships in the workplace.

Best months: March, June, July, August and December.

Challenging months: April, May, September, January but most especially the months of February and November.

Enhancers: Lucky amulet bracelet

Cures: Place a rhino and elephant figurine in the Southwest sector and carry an antiviolence keychain to subdue the Violence and Burglary Star.


DOGS in the Year of the Rooster will suffer from the presence of the Illness Star in the Northwest and should, therefore, place a Wu Lou or Blue Medicine Buddha in that corner.

Dogs will have unusually busy schedules, juggling work and their personal lives. There will be so many activities that will require time and focus, and this will take time away from personal interests and happiness. They will also have to face some crisis health-wise. But Dogs could be in for a great financial breakthrough, and this will come as a pleasant surprise for them.

Luck is on the Dog’s side when it comes to relationships. There will be lots of opportunities to meet new people and possibly form relationships with these new acquaintances. But those who are married or are in a committed relationship should probably give these opportunities a pass, as these could lead to unwarranted temptation. Best to keep distance for the sake of existing relationships. Married women should be extra careful lest they send mixed signals and cause confusion to men who are interested in them.

The Rooster year is a period of learning for the Dog. Financially, he has to have discipline and be cautious in his spending. This is the year for self-control and good financial management. Dogs should be prudent and not dive into risky investments.

Pressures from everyday living, including work, will affect the Dog in 2017, and he may feel tired, down and restless to the point of losing interest in his usual activities. He may experience some anxiety and depression that could lead to imaginary fears, which could tremendously affect his behavior and thought patterns. To avoid this, he should engage in physical activities, such as running, brisk walking, biking, climbing, hiking, dancing, or even singing. It is also best for him to often communicate with close friends or loved ones to share his sentiments and keep his mental and emotional health in check and watch out for the health status of other family members. For those Dogs searching for new jobs or some career changes, this year will allow significant career development.

Best months: February, March, May, July, October, November, December, January 2018.

Challenging months: April, August, September, but most especially the month of June.

Cures: Wear the Wu Lou health amulet.


GOOD news for Boars this year. Not only do they enjoy the presence of the Heavenly Deity Star, but all the struggles in the previous year brought about by the Tai Sui will be at an end. They will enjoy a marked improvement in life. Good luck will be on his side for the latter part of the year, especially in his interpersonal relationships, which will be marked by disputes and arguments. There is also the possibility of losing a family relative suffering from a lingering illness.

Unlike several of the signs, the Boar will have a difficult year when it comes to romance. There will be less chances of developing a good intimate relationship with the opposite sex. Although there are possibilities of meeting interesting members of the opposite sex, Boars will have a hard time finding their match, considering that these people are not even their ideal types. The dilemma for Boars starts when they find out that the other party is either too old for them, already married, or has a mismatched personality.

Boars who have a stable income source will acquire some financial gains. This will come from investments and it is best for the Boar to choose wisely. Boars should remain conservative in their finances and avoid overspending.

Boars may feel weak and susceptible to illness. They will be suffering from some type of a digestive disorder that could affect overall health. With poor resistance to fight off infections and other symptoms, the Boar should consider changing his eating habits and start eating healthy food right now. He should also incorporate preventive measures to ward off any diseases. Boars should take extra precaution when driving and inspect their cars for roadworthiness.

Boars experiencing difficulty moving up in their careers should learn to be humble and get along with his superiors to resolve any misunderstandings in the office.

The year will bring opportunities for the Boar to travel.

Best months: February, March, May, July, Tober, November, December and January 2018.

Challenging months: April, August, September, but most especially the month of June.

Enhancers: Wear a mantra ring, lucky amulet bracelet.

Cures: Place a Wu Lou in the Northwest to subdue the Illness Star.

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