DOLE ‘winning war’ vs contractualization

Published by rudy Date posted on November 16, 2017

By Samuel Medenilla, Manila Bulletin, Nov 16, 2017

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said Thursday it is winning the war against illegal forms of contractualization after it facilitated the regularization of more than 120,000 workers.

The number was almost twice the 67,927 workers who were regularized by their employers, according to the report of DOLE last September.

In a statement, Labor and Employment Secretary Silvestre Bello III did admit the latest number of regularized workers is still “not even halfway of what they have set to attain.”

Earlier this year, DOLE said it is targeting to regularize around 180,000 workers who are victims of illegal contractualization, for 2017.

Bello has committed to eliminate all forms of illegal contractualization before the end of the year.

To achieve this, he appealed to the members of the Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors’ (PALSCON) during their 7th National Forum last week to police their ranks against illegal contractualization.

“What needs to be done is for us to ensure that the mutually beneficial atmosphere is sustained to attain an enduring industrial peace. This is the responsibility that labor and employer must share .Together, let us guarantee our workers decent jobs,” Bello said during his speech at the PALSCON Forum.

PALSCON said it will continue to collaborate with DOLE to ensure its members continue to comply with government regulations.

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