PSA report shows 127 listed targets under PDP unlikely to be met in 2022

Published by rudy Date posted on July 24, 2019

By Cai Ordinario, Businessmirror, Jul 24, 2019

The Philippines may not achieve 127 targets listed under the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) as of 2018, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

In a report released on Tuesday, PSA said out of a total of 307 targets, around 138 targets had a high likelihood of being achieved, while 42 only had a medium likelihood of achievement.

Foremost of the targets that may not be achieved are related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries; governance; culture and values; and shelter and housing. Around 50 percent and above of the targets in these sectors may not be achieved by 2022.

“The target outcomes of reduced limits to entrepreneurship and anticompetitive practices, and ecological integrity of the Philippine government for its six-year term from 2017 to 2022 were likely to be achieved given the performance of the competitiveness and environment sectors as depicted in the results of the compilation of the 2018 statistical indicators on Philippine development,” PSA said.

Based on the estimates of PSA, two of the three targets set in culture and values, or 66.7 percent, may not be achieved. Based on the report, only the crafting of regional development plans with culture components would be achieved since all 17 regions already have these plans.

In terms of increasing the number of documentations conducted on indigenous knowledge systems and practices to 1,341 by 2022 from 313 in 2015, only 62 have been done in 2016 and 2017.

In terms of increasing the percentage of municipalities, cities and provinces with Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representation to 100 percent from a baseline of 7 percent, only 11 percent of the local government units (LGUs) have IPMR by 2017.

“Despite having development plans with culture components for all 17 regions, the number of documentations conducted on indigenous knowledge systems and practices; and the percentage of provinces, cities and municipalities with Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representation, both in 2018, showed low likelihood of achieving the target in 2022,” PSA said.

In agriculture, forestry and fisheries, PSA data showed 56.1 percent of the targets may not likely be achieved by 2022. This means that of the 66 targets, 37 targets will not be achieved; 20 will be achieved; and nine only has a medium likelihood of being achieved.

The growth target for the entire sector of 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent may not be achieved along with the growth of livestock to 3 percent to 4 percent; and the growth of the value of production in municipal fisheries to 1 percent and aquaculture of 5 percent.

The government will likely fall short of yield increases in palay, white corn, yellow corn, bananas, pineapple, mango, sugarcane, cassava, coffee, cacao and rubber.

“The yield of 11 out of 12 major commodities posted low likelihood of achieving the 2022 target. More so, the number of fisherfolk provided with production support as of 2018 was still far from the end-of-plan target of 1.4 million,” the PSA said.

In terms of governance, PSA said 13 of the 22 targets may not be achieved, and only six targets will be achieved, while three only have a medium likelihood of being achieved.

Targets that may not be achieved included improving the country’s percentile ranking in the World Governance Indicator-Control of Corruption Indicator to 50th; Global Competitiveness Index to 62nd; and increasing government agencies with frontline service offices passing the Report Card Survey to 95 percent, among others.

The government will also likely fall short of its target of increasing the participation of civil-society organizations (CSOs) in local development councils in provinces, cities and municipalities nationwide.

“The percentage of provinces, cities and municipalities with the required NGO representation in the Local Development Council went down. Also, only 3 of 4 [75 percent] [of] national government agencies were fully compliant with the Transparency Seal as of 2018,” PSA said.

In terms of housing, 50 percent of the targets are not achievable by 2022. Data showed that two of the four housing targets in the PDP will not be achievable.

Data showed that the proportion of socialized housing targets met to
housing needs improved to 16.53 percent by 2022. However, in 2018, only 7.21 percent of socialized housing targets have been met.

Another target that will be achieved is the number of socialized housing units delivered. The target for 2022 is 1.086 million but only 193,174 socialized housing units have been delivered.

“In 2018, the proportion of low-cost housing targets met [10.95 percent] already exceeded its target of 5.5 percent in 2022. Meanwhile, the proportion of socialized housing targets met [7.21 percent] is still far from the end-of-plan target of 16.53 percent,” PSA said.

The StatDev is a statistical indicator system that provides a comparison of actual sectoral accomplishments with the corresponding targets indicated in the PDP 2017-2022 Results Matrices.

Updates are collected annually and released every July. The reference periods of the data vary depending on the latest available data from the source agencies.

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