SWS: Duterte rating dives after soaring to record-high

Published by rudy Date posted on September 24, 2021

by Janvic Mateo – The Philippine Star, 24 Sep 2021

MANILA, Philippines — The satisfaction rating of President Duterte reached an all-time high of 84 percent in November 2020, but dropped to 75 percent in the May and June 2021 polls of Social Weather Stations (SWS).

During a forum on Thursday, the survey firm released the latest satisfaction ratings of the President based on the most recent polls it conducted.

Last November, some 84 percent of the respondents said they were somewhat or very satisfied with Duterte’s performance as president.

Six percent said they were somewhat or very dissatisfied, while nine percent were undecided.

This gave Duterte a net satisfaction rating of “excellent” +79, the highest he obtained since he assumed office in 2016.

The net satisfaction rating is the rounded off difference between those who said that they are satisfied and dissatisfied with the performance of the President.

Those satisfied with the President’s performance dropped to 74 percent in the subsequent polls conducted in May and June this year.

In May, 10 percent said they were either somewhat or dissatisfied, while 15 percent were undecided.

This gave the President a net satisfaction rating of “very good” +65 that month.

The number of those somewhat or very dissatisfied with the performance of the President further increased to 13 percent in June, with 12 percent undecided.

Duterte’s net satisfaction rating in the latest survey is a “very good” +62, two points lower than the +64 he obtained in the first survey conducted after he assumed office in 2016.

The President obtained his lowest net satisfaction rating in June 2018 at +45 (66 percent satisfied, 19 percent dissatisfied).

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