Asbestos water pipes are still in use?

Published by rudy Date posted on August 22, 2009

If there’s any truth to one of the many screaming banners that can now be seen in most of the strategic corners of BF Homes (Paranaque), then the developer and former water supplier of this biggest residential subdivision in the Philippines and perhaps in the region should not be allowed to revive its water distribution system-the banner mentions the use by the beleaguered developer of asbestos pipes.      

Asbestos has been deemed unsafe for home or industrial use several decades ago. If my memory serves me right, there was even a decree during the martial law years made by then President Marcos banning the use of this cancer-causing agent found then in many things used in buildings and houses like ceilings, pipes, walls, etc. And the move was then alongside a worldwide ban from its use.

Homeowners maintain that if there were really asbestos pipes laid in the BF Homes water system, in part or worse totally, the developer should not be allowed to revive its water distribution system and should even be charged in court for this gross negligence that may have already caused a great deal of health problems to the residents of BF Homes, when water was still flowing without even knowing that they have been caused by these asbestos pipes.

Be that as it may-asbestos or no asbestos pipes-the present issue, which was primarily caused by what many observers are of the firm belief was an ill-advised or ill-thought issuance of a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) in favor of the developer by a judge from the Las Pinas City Regional Trial Court could easily be resolved by the same judge’s immediate revocation of the TRO.

The said TRO put to a stop the pipe-laying activities by the Maynilad, which has been tasked to supply water to BF Homes after two decades of not having a decent water supply. No less than President GMA and VP Noli de Castro were on a high-profile media blitz heralding the achievement. Much of the subdivision has already been retrofitted with new water pipes and enjoying several hours of water that’s enough to meet basic needs until the fateful TRO.    

Many of those who have been privy to all the negotiations that went on between Maynilad and the developer for the water supply of BF Homes were saying that the root of all these controversies was “greed” on the part of the developer and former water distributor. Maynilad was reportedly agreeing to just sell the water to the developer at a standard price but not to the developer’s desire to turn it around and sell the same water to the residents for a hundred percent more, which could mean a more than double margin for them compared to other water suppliers in nearby subdivisions that also buy from Maynilad. If that’s not downright GREED, I don’t know what is.  

Well, “what goes around comes around” and the following developments may again prove right the old adage; like it has been reported that Paranaque Representative Roilo Golez has expressed his support and willingness to join the BF Homes residents to file “an administrative case against the judge who issued the TRO” while the good mayor of Paranaque, Jun Bernabe, one of those who really worked hardest to give water to BF Homes residents said he will exercise police power and invoke “general welfare” to back up the resumption of Maynilad’s pipe-laying work. Mayor Jun, though fresh from a life-threatening heart operation but made his presence really felt during the homeowners’ protest march also declared that he will check on reports that the developer has not been paying taxes for the roads right of way, and if found delinquent would have the property auctioned off.   

If all these turn positive, the judge, if ever he erred in approving the TRO may find himself deeper in trouble and may decide to revoke his order, the Maynilad pipe-laying would resume and water will soon be brought freely to all of the residences of BF Homes and the developer may just find himself with an empty bag-the price of Greed? –Ray Butch Gamboa (The Philippine Star)

Mabuhay!!! Be proud to be a Filipino.

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