Shelter program for poor of Metro

Published by rudy Date posted on April 30, 2010


THE METRO MANILA INTER-Agency Committee on informal settlers (MMIAC) has approved its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) to be able to carry out a uniform shelter program for squatter families in the metropolis.

The MMIAC, composed of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and 11 other government agencies like the National Housing Authority and the Department of Public Works and Highways, met on Monday and approved the IRR.

“The approval of the IRR, after a series of long and tedious deliberations by the committee members, is a most welcome accomplishment. It moves us one step forward in carrying out the task of the MMIAC, as the IRR clearly defines the framework which will govern the implementation of the committee’s programs,” MMDA Chair Oscar Inocentes said in a statement yesterday.
The MMIAC was created through Executive Order 803 to address the problems on squatting and to carry out housing and resettlement policies through the Comprehensive Shelter Program(CSP).

Inocentes said the MMIAC will formulate and implement a “standardized and uniform shelter program” to provide affordable yet decent housing to squatters affected by government priority infrastructure projects and those living in danger areas within Metro Manila.
The IRR listed down each member agencies’ powers, functions and duties to ensure the technical and practical expertise needed for shelter programs.

Inocentes said the IRR also outlines the criteria in identifying qualified beneficiaries and the classification of affected areas to be covered by the CSP.

A trust fund will also be put up where money sourced from the Office of the President, national government agencies, local government units and other participating organizations can be drawn for various housing projects.

The IRR takes effect 15 days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. –Niña Calleja, Philippine Daily Inquirer

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