Filipinos want Aquino to focus on jobs generation, graft eradication — PIA Survey

Published by rudy Date posted on October 7, 2010

MANILA, Philippines (PNA) — Most Filipinos want President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III to focus on jobs generation and livelihood programs and eradicate graft and corruption in the days ahead, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA).

“The survey shows what the people want the President to do in the days ahead. Jobs and livelihood programs for themselves and their families are their real and immediate concerns,” Presidential Communication Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Herminio “Sonny” Coloma disclosed on Tuesday.

The PIA survey was conducted from Sept. 28-29 and involved face-to-face interviews with 629 sectoral leaders, including elected officials, businessmen, religious, mass media, and the uniformed services.

Of those polled, 78 percent said jobs and livelihood should be on top of the government’s priority list, while 66 percent considered the fight against corruption as of utmost importance.

More than half (59 percent) of the respondents also urged the administration to improve access to quality education even as almost the same number (57 percent) recommended the implementation of measures that will control the spiraling of prices of basic goods.

“The people’s wish list is being addressed and the Aquino administration aims to fulfill its social contract with the Filipino people,” Coloma said.

The survey also shows that people (34 percent) see President Aquino’s integrity, simple lifestyle, and the people’s continued trust in him as his strongest points, even as almost the same number (33 percent) are of the opinion that the handling of the Manila hostage incident his weakest point during his first 100 days.

He was also praised for the investments generated during his US trip (10 percent) and the prudent spending (6 percent) being practiced by his administration.

The survey also wants President Aquino to prosecute officials linked to various anomalies (48 percent); stop “jueteng” and other illegal gambling activities (45 percent); pursue peace initiatives (44 percent); and fast track vital infrastructure projects (43 percent).

“The survey gives us a clear idea of what the Boss [the Filipino people] want. I am sure the President will respond in the best possible way he can,” Coloma said. –Manila Bulletin

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